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Letter: Response to Mr. Williams

This community comprises academics, lawyers, wealth managers, physicians, and other steady and well-paying positions. Yet it almost seems taboo for the WYC to be paid what it's worth by the families who can afford it.

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Letter: Williamstown Youth Center Essential Community Component

I am writing to thank Pat Meyers for prompting me to share the many reasons why $77,000 is a reasonable request for the Williamstown Youth Center to make to the town Finance Committee. In fact, this amount is a bargain considering the sheer volume and quality of the programs we provide for our town’s families.

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Letter: Williamstown Youth Center

The Williamstown Youth Center has received money from the town of Williamstown every year since 2014. In 2014, they requested $70,000, and incrementally, their requests have increased to $77,000.

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Letter: Comment to Dravis Article on 2022 Year in Williamstown

I just posted the following as a comment to Mr. Dravis' article on 2022 in Williamstown. Many in Williamstown rely on Mr. Dravis' reporting as their primary source of local news. With that influence comes responsibility.

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Letter: Building Codes Put Homeowners in the Middle

It's obvious to me that the state included the two exceptions because anyone with any knowledge of global economics knows the hundreds of shower manufacturers in the world will not research an obscure MA code before going to market.

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Letter: Replace Williamstown Town Meeting With Ballots

If you have a quaint, but broken form of town governance, why spend taxpayers' money to keep a quaint, but outdated broken failed system?

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Letter: Lenox Planners Should Consider Residents in Cell-Tower Siting Bylaw

Private litigation may or may not be more affordable for those on Delafield Drive, whose closest property line is 250 feet from a hypothetically proposed cell tower at the wastewater treatment facility, a site that was identified to offer additional coverage to Lenox Dale.

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Letter: Affordable Housing Proposal

Units of affordable housing in Berkshire County need not be created with a one size fits all mindset. Affordable for who? Very often affordable housing is very costly, even excessively so for its creators or municipalities.

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Letter: Support Tara Jacobs for Governor's Council

The choice here is clear. Tara has ability, intentions, and integrity to work with both government and community stakeholders to help make Western Massachusetts a better, safer, and more just place to live, work, and visit.

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Letter: Thanks for a Successful North Adams Library Book Sale

Although it is a tremendous yearlong job to coordinate and put this event together, the results speak for themselves.

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Letter: Save Valued Farmland in Williamstown

Today, less than 7 percent of the land in Williamstown is dedicated preserved farmland. Rural sprawl, such as proposed here, is one of the biggest causes of the loss of farmland.

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Letter: Local Business Supports PAVE Fundraiser

Thank you, community businesses, without your support we cannot offer the comprehensive services needed to help keep domestic violence survivors safe and moving forward.

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Letter: Let's Make Property Taxes Progressive

Those in the bottom income quintile pay 5.4 percent of their income on municipal tax while the top quintile pays less than 3 percent, and the top 1 percent of earners pay only 1.6 percent of their household income, according to the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).

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Letter: Vote For Kingsbury-Evans

We need younger bloodlines in our elected officials and offices. She has good ideas and will a good representative in the Massachusetts First House District.

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Letter: Harrington Deserves Another Term

Andrea walks the walk on showing up to make change.

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