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We Can be Thankful for Vermont's Wild Turkeys

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MONTPELIER, Vt. — One of our native wildlife species historically played an important role on Thanksgiving Day.  
North America's native wild turkeys were the ancestors of the Thanksgiving turkey on our dinner table. 
Originally found only in the wild, turkeys now exist as meat-producing domesticated varieties -- the broad breasted white, broad breasted bronze, white Holland, bourbon red, and a host of other breeds – all of them descended from our native wild turkey. 
More than 140,000 servings of Vermont wild turkeys are harvested each year – that's 140,000 servings of free-ranging, wild and sustainably harvested protein. 
Wild turkeys exist throughout Vermont today, but that was not always the case.  Wild turkeys disappeared from Vermont in the mid-to-late 1800s due to habitat destruction when land was cleared for farming and only 25 percent of the state was covered by forest.
The wild turkeys we see in Vermont today originated from just 31 wild turkeys stocked in Southwestern Vermont by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department in 1969 and 1970.  Vermont's forest habitat was once again capable of supporting turkeys.  State wildlife biologists moved groups of these birds northward, and today Vermont's population of turkeys is estimated at close to 50,000.    
This is just one of many wildlife restoration success stories we can be thankful for in 2024.  Funding for Vermont's wild turkey restoration was derived from the sale of hunting licenses and a federal tax on hunting equipment. 

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SVMC Weekly Health Update: Jan. 17

January 17, 2025


Protect Yourself & Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Accidental carbon monoxide poisoning leads to more than 50,000 emergency room visits and 430 deaths across the country every year. While the circumstances vary, 100% of them are preventable. Do you know if you and your family are at risk?



Give the Gift of Life | One-Hour Can Be Truly Life Saving


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Not that long ago, cervical cancer was one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. Thanks to prevention and screening, the death rate has dropped by more than half since the mid-1970s.  




SVMC’s Outpatient Rehabilitation department will host an informational lecture on Monday, Jan. 27 at 9:30 a.m., at the Manchester Community Library, explaining treatment options for people living with Parkinson’ Disease (PD) and other movement disorders.






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