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Letter: Stop Photographing Injections

Why, are photographers insistent on showing us the INJECTION going into the ARM??

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Letter: Vote YES on 2 for Ranked Choice Voting

There are only two things a voter needs to know when using RCV before casting a ballot. First, instead of voting for one candidate, you rank them in order of preference. As simple as ranking candidate choices in order of preference may be, opponents repeatedly argue that this is "too confusing" for voters. This is a preposterous insults to voters' intelligence.

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Letter: MGRS Needs More Responsible Approach to Field

With a majority of the School Committee members being replaced in November – which makes me wonder why the current committee is pushing for a decision now – I'm looking forward to open, reasoned and responsible dialogue and approach to decision-making in the future.

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Letter: Standouts to Support Public Higher Education

To call attention to the benefits of public higher education as well as to highlight the need to adequately fund our institutions both locally and statewide, there will be two community standouts on Friday, Oct. 2, from 5-6 p.m.

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Letter: Response to Bilal Ansari and DIRE

Bilal, I truly want to understand you. I truly want our community to be the best we can be. If I have not made clear my responses to any of your questions, please let us continue this conversation.

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Letter: Residents Repudiate Neighborhood's Racially Restrictive Origins

Residents repudiate neighborhood's racially restrictive origins in a commitment to inclusion.

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Letter: Police at Williamstown Elementary

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Letter: Trump has Committed a Crime

He appears to have committed a criminal act and should be prosecuted, and at least prevented from committing more criminal acts. Wake up, people! This man is using our freedoms to destroy those very freedoms. He is a danger to our nation.

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Letter: Vote for Integrity

The person who occupies the White House in Washington, D.C. today just openly encouraged his supporters to break the law, by voting twice — once by mail, and once in person — suggesting that this would "test the system."

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Letter: Thank You to North Adams Firefighters

I wanted to express my appreciation to Steve Meranti, fire chief, and all the firefighters that responded quickly to my home, Wire Inspector Mike Lescarbeau and Assistant Wire Inspector Mitch Meranti and electrician Pete Milesi.

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Letter: Vote For Alex Morse

As a sometimes songwriter, my recent song, "Ripped," expresses why we should vote Morse on Sept. 1:

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Letter: Morse Will Bring Progressive Values to Washington

Alex encouraged me to cast aside the hate, derision and patronizing comments to focus on what really mattered: the needs of the people in Ward 5. He told me to have faith in the voters but, first and foremost, have faith in myself.

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Letter: Neal for Congress

I am urging voters to vote for Richie Neal on Sept. 1. I have known Richie for many years and know that he cares deeply about Western Mass and his constituents. I also know that he has delivered for us time and again.

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Letter: Statement of the Lenox Democrats Regarding Smear Job on Alex Morse

We, the Lenox Democratic Town Committee, condemn the Massachusetts Democrats and the Massachusetts College Democrats for their deplorable conduct with respect to candidate Alex Morse for Congress.

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