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Letter: Bernard Endorses Bond for Mayor

As a North Adams voter, and therefore as one of nearly 9,000 members of the "hiring committee" for our next mayor, I recommend Lynette Bond wholeheartedly for the top job in the city of North Adams.

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Letter: Retired Police Chief Backs Macksey for Mayor

Having known Jennifer for nearly 25 years, she has the integrity, intelligence, and strong municipal knowledge to "hit the ground running" on Jan. 1, 2022.

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Letter: Macksey for Mayor: The Logical Choice

I would like to encourage the residents of North Adams to vote for Jennifer Macksey for mayor of the city. She has been training and preparing for this job throughout her professional career.

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Letter: Ivar Kronick Is Clear Choice for Pittsfield's Ward 2

I am writing this to give my unqualified support to the candidacy of C. Ivar Kronick for the position of city councilor in Ward 2.

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Letter: Bosley Endorses Bond as 'Most Qualified' for Mayor

While I know and like both candidates, this election has to be about who is most qualified for the tough tasks that face North Adams. I believe that Lynette Bond has shown the qualities and qualifications to be our choice.

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Letter: Former Superintendent Backs Macksey for Mayor

I often referred to her as "Director of Everything." I confidently support her in becoming the next mayor of North Adams.

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Letter: Jennifer Macksey for Mayor

Jennifer Macksey is quite simply the best mayoral candidate for North Adams.

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Letter: Retired Fire Chief Supports Macksey for Mayor

We need a mayor who cares about this city and the services that we provide and one who will set expectations and make sure that they are followed. We need Jennifer Macksey as the next mayor of the city of North Adams

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Letter: Retired Superintendent: Macksey Cares Deeply About the City

When difficult decisions arise, her deciding cursor has always been "do what's best for the people in North Adams."

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Letter: Macksey Understands How to Manage City

Jen Macksey has experienced firsthand the inherent difficulties in managing a city to meet the needs of its citizens while continually struggling to obtain and effectively use limited financial and other resources. She knows how to do this job and do it well.

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Letter: Macksey For North Adams Mayor

I have known Jennifer for over 20 years and have had numerous interactions with her both professionally and personally. As a result, I am convinced as to her outstanding character, decisiveness and leadership abilities. She has always been responsive, reasonable, and willing to make tough decisions by tackling them head-on.

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Letter: Lynette Bond for Mayor

As a voter, you are deciding who the city hires to be the next mayor. Similarly in business, you also look at resumes and look for patterns with your candidates.

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Letter: Jennifer Macksey For Mayor

It was discouraging to see the quality of candidate it appeared we could be looking at as the city's next chief executive. Things improved when Jennifer Macksey entered the race.

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Letter: Bond Has Knowledge, Experience for Mayor

Believe me when I say that this was a tough decision, as I know both candidates, both with different but relevant backgrounds. For me, though, I find Lynette Bond to be the superior choice.

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Letter: Support Bond for Mayor

Both of these women have great qualities to lead our city and I'm confident that we will be just fine with either one sitting in the corner office.

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