Dalton Seeks Input on Hazard Mitigation Plan

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DALTON, Mass. — The town invites the community to participate in a public meeting as it updates its Hazard Mitigation Plan. 
The meeting will be held on Friday, March 8 from 10:30 to 11:30 am at Town Hall. Participants can also attend the meeting virtually using this information:
This plan details all the natural hazard risks that may impact the town and includes potential actions to mitigate those risks.
The Town invites residents from both Dalton and regional communities to actively participate in this upcoming public meeting. The town welcomes insights on identifying high-risk hazards, pinpointing vulnerable areas within the town, and providing constructive feedback on effective strategies for mitigating these risks. 
The Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, in partnership with Jamie Caplan Consulting LLC, a Northampton based firm, is developing the plan with a grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA). 
FEMA approval, coupled with Town adoption, will enable Dalton to access pre- and post-disaster hazard mitigation grant funds.

Tags: FEMA,   hazard mitigation,   

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Dalton Green Committee Navigates Adding Fire District to Green Communities Division

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Green Committee considering including the Fire District under the town’s Green Communities Division. 
During the Green Committee's last week, member Thomas Irwin broached the subject with his fellow members. 
The town is part of the state Green Communities Division, which aids local municipalities in lowering lower energy use, through clean energy projects in buildings, facilities, and schools, by providing grants, technical assistance. 
Irwin and Committee Chair David Wasielewski will look into this information to determine if incorporating the district is possible. 
The Fire District and town are two separate governing bodies. The Fire and Water departments are the Fire District's responsibility. The Board of Water Commissioners and the Prudential Committee govern the district.
There are a number of steps that would have to be undertaken. One easy step is having the district approve a zero emission vehicle policy for the Fire Department, Irwin said. 
Irwin informed the committee that Fire Chief Christian Tobin said he sees no barriers in approving a policy and that they are in the process of getting a policy approved. 
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