North Adams Elks Donate to Veterans Pantry
"It is overwhelming, and the Elks are only here to support us," Tina Samson, Veterans Services administrative assistant, said. "If I call them and tell them about a veteran family in need, these guys are right there to help."
Elk Anthony Sacco Jr. said the donations were gathered from one of fraternity's poker tournaments. Participants would get extra chips if they brought in canned goods.
"We had one whole tournament the other day and were able to collect all of this," Sacco said.
He also handed over $1,000 in gift cards purchased with funds raised from the tournament. These cards will be placed in holiday gift baskets for veterans.
Samson said donations from the North Adams Elks have been a regular thing over the years
"They are definitely an ongoing contributor to us and they always have been," she said.
Samson added they there is a larger need in the community now that the Adams pantry has closed. Also with the winter months approaching, more provisions are needed.
Sacco said the donation aligns with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks' mission to never forget veterans.
"There are a lot of homeless veterans and veterans in need, and we are here to help," Sacco said.
Tags: elks club, veterans services,