Sky Goodrich, center, with the supervisors of each of the stations he's volunteered at during his time with RSVP.
This year's honorees Sky Goodrich and BJ's Wholesale and BCAC representatives pose with Mayor Linda Tyer, state Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier and RSVP Director Lisa Torrey at Friday's recognition luncheon.
In 2022, the 268 RSVP volunteers collectively donated 32,701 hours of their time to the community.
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Retired Senior Volunteer Program held its annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on Friday afternoon at Country Club of Pittsfield to honor volunteers and staff who helped make an impact to the community.
RSVP provides individuals 55 and older who live in Berkshire County the opportunity to use their time and skills to make a difference in the community while meeting new people
RSVP Director Lisa Torrey took the podium to commend the work the programs volunteers and staff have done this past year.
"They are the unsung heroes of Berkshire County. Day after day, they give up their time generously. They do so for no recognition. They do the work because they truly care," she said.
"Look around you. You are surrounded by the greatest people today. These are the best people to be around in life. They are the people that want to make a difference in the community. They inspire me every day."
Torrey also recognized Mayor Linda Tyer for her continued support and belief in RSVP during her tenure.
The organization awarded the Volunteer of the Year award to Schuyler "Sky" Goodrich for the work he has done with RSVP.
"I'm very honored that everybody came and you guys have done an amazing job. I just did a small part of it," Goodrich said.
Since October 2018, Goodrich has donated 3,377 hours at various stations, including Barrington Stage, Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, and more.
"I think that might be record setting," Tyer said. "He is also known as a very kind-hearted, friendly and a true gentleman. [Goodrich] exemplifies the definition of a volunteer."
State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier echoed these remarks adding that his accomplishments over his many years of volunteerism is inspirational and that he represents all of the RSVP volunteers.
One of the first assignments Farley-Bouvier received 20 years ago when elected to the Pittsfield City Council was to serve on RSVP's board.
"It's really remarkable and it takes a lot of work over many months. So we appreciate all this work and Sky with your resume and volunteering. I think to myself, I want to be like [Goodrich] when I grow up," Farley-Bouvier said.
Berkshire Community Action Council was awarded this year's Station of the Year award. RSVP could not run its Wheels for Wellness without BCAC's continued support, Torrey said.
"[BCAC] is a pillar of community based programming. They truly get what it means to start a program from the ground up and make it successful by helping those in Berkshire County that need it the most," Torrey said.
"RSVP has been providing volunteers for many years to Berkshire Community Action Council. Our Wheels for Wellness program, like all of the programs that BCAC is a part of, is extremely successful in meeting the unmet community needs of Berkshire County residents."
In 2022, the Wheels for Wellness program completed its first full year of service, and 29 RSVP volunteers have given 584 BCAC clients 1,733 rides to medical appointments.
Tyer commended Torrey for her work establishing the Wheels for Wellness program despite the obstacles she faced along the way.
The Wheels for Wellness program is important to the Pittsfield and Berkshire County community, Tyer said. "You stayed with it, you found your partner with BCAC and we are now able to serve this very, very important purpose."
The state works very closely with BCAC on all things related to poverty and community service, Farley-Bouvier said. The Wheels for Wellness is just one of their programs. They offer programs to aid in heating costs, weatherization, rides, clothing, and more.
"You need to know that BCAC is a resource for all of you and the people that you know that need the services and so I really want the phones to keep ringing off the hook…This is what they're there for," Farley-Bouvier said.
RSVP recognized BJ's Wholesale Club as its Business Partner of the Year. This year RSVP was able to resume its in-office events including its quarterly birthday party, special gatherings, and some classes.
"We could not have done them without the support of this year's business partner BJs Wholesale Club of Pittsfield," Torrey said.
It is a privilege to acknowledge and celebrate one of the area's business leaders, Tyer said.
"We would like to thank you for your generosity in providing the birthday cakes for the RSVP quarterly birthday parties celebrating all of its volunteers, and that includes the volunteers that sit at City Hall," the mayor said.
BJ's front-end manager Becky Tobler attended the luncheon to accept the award on behalf of the membership-only warehouse club chain.
"I think [Tobler] being here has actually taught me a lesson. And that is, we of course really think about supporting local businesses and sometimes we forget that at big-box stores, its local people who are working there and the local connections that they have are important," Farley-Bouvier said.
In 2022, the 268 RSVP volunteers collectively donated 32,701 hours of their time to the community.
RSVP offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to enrich people's lives, including some that can be done from the comfort of their own home.
Volunteers receive a variety of perks that include networking and social contacts, monthly newsletters, mileage reimbursement or van transportation to assignments, annual volunteer recognition luncheon, bi-monthly birthday parties, volunteer insurance and, on occasion, free theater tickets.
Although many places conduct their own background check prior to volunteering, RSVP also conducts background checks and training to all the new volunteers for safety and efficiency.
RSVP is a national organization funded in part by AmeriCorps Seniors. It is sponsored locally by the city of Pittsfield.
More information on Pittsfield RSVP here. Check out the photos from the event here.
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DCF Clears Two Pittsfield High Administrators
By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff
PITTSFIELD, Mass.—The Department of Children and Families has reportedly cleared two Pittsfield High School administrators of misconduct: Dean of Students Molly West and Vice Principal Alison Shepard.
"(Superintendent Joseph Curtis) told me yesterday that his office has received formal notice from DCF that the agency's investigation of those allegations has been completed, and that the allegations were found to be unsupported," Cameron wrote VIA email.
Earlier in the week, he announced that the first part of a committee-initiated investigation led by Mary-Lou Rup, a retired Superior Court judge, was completed and West, one of the school’s two deans, was cleared by Rup.
iBerkshires inquired about the DCF investigation running parallel. On Thursday, Cameron said the district has reason to believe that DCF's investigation has cleared West, but he did not have written confirmation of that assertion.
"I have been told by [interim Deputy Superintendent Matt] Bishop, who is the Pittsfield Public Schools' contact with DCF in these matters, that the agency's investigation of Ms. West was returned with a determination that the allegations made against her were unsupported," he wrote.
"I have not seen formal confirmation of this from DCF. Apparently, its report to Dr. Bishop was provided through a conversation."
Pittsfield High's Matt Dupuis and Lee's Devyn Fillio Sunday won the boys and girls individual high school bowling State Championships at Spare Time.
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