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Adams Misses Out on Grant to Repair Culvert

By Jack GuerinoiBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — The town did not receive a grant that would address lingering damages left by fall flooding in 2018.
Community Development Director Donna Cesan said the town was not awarded a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) FY2019 Action Grant that would have aided in funding the Davis Streeet culvert repair.
"Unfortunately, we were recently informed that we did not receive the grant funds," Cesan said in an email exchange. "Currently, we are evaluating other options and other grant programs to address the Davis St. culvert, but our next course of action is yet to be determined."
In September 2018, Adams was hit with two heavy rainstorms within a week. Flooding affected Lime, Davis, North Summer, and Charles street areas, in particular, damaging private properties and causing more than $2 million in damage to public infrastructure.
Because the storms only affected Adams, the town did not receive federal or state Emergency Management Agency funds.
The town declared a state of emergency allowing it to deficit spend and make some emergency repairs but there is still work to be done.
The town requested $570,161 through the grant program with the town providing a match of 25 percent. The town would provide $187,500 in cash and $35,760 in in-kind services.
The plan was to use some of this money to replace the Davis Street culvert with a more stable open bottom box culvert consistent with stream crossing guidelines.
The Davis Street culvert has been a point of contention for many area residents who now have to access their homes via a connecting road on Charles Street.
The funding would have also supported other projects including the restoration of segments of Southwick Brook to improve its capacity and the investigation of a secondary bypass brook overflow channel that would reduce impacts from flooding in the area of Lime Street and Davis Street.
Although funding remains an issue to address the damage, the town has made strides to improve its emergency preparedness and has updated its emergency plans, protocol, and communication.

Tags: culvert,   flooding,   state grant,   

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Hoosac Valley High School Announces Honor Roll

CHRESHIRE, Mass. — Hoosac Valley High School has released its second quarter honor roll for the 2024-2025 academic year, recognizing students who have achieved High Honors or Honors.

Second Quarter Honor Roll

High Honors 

Grade 12: Noah Beliveau, Zachary Boyles, Maryn Cappiello, Corey Charron, William Hakes, Cordelia Huffstater, Ashlyn Lesure, Kimberly Mach, Molly McLear, Emma Meczywor, Rachel Scarpitto, Kenneth Stevens, Christopher Szabo, Clarissa Tanguay, Amiracle Tatro.

Grade 11: Vanessa Biddy, Ella Bissaillon, Jacob Borawski, Kelsey Brown, Daniel Cernik, Kylie Clark, Nyla Dion, Cash Kolodziej, Nathan Lapinski, Iyakxel Marquez Cruz, Ava McLear, Noah Rehill, Evan Richardson, Brady Sherman, Anna Thurston, Alexis Warner, Gracelyn Wright. 

Grade 10: Eva Akroman, Charbel Al Kossaify, Hanna Borer, Leyah Brown, Hailie Carpenter, McKenzey Grogan, Timothy Harrington, Aurura Jones-Daigneault, Abigail Martel, Alyssa Maselli, Benjamin Payton, Reagan Shea, Alexandra Silvernail, Olivia Silvernail, Sophia Sumner.

Grade 9: Cason Bernier, Arianna Blake, Presley Kelley, Genevieve Lagess, Diego Luna Luna, Andrew Mach, Lukas Mazzeo, Noah Pellerin, Aviana Saimbert, Savannah Warner, Sophia Wilson, Emma Zieminski. 

Grade 8: Sage Chilson, Emma Garner, Bentley Hunt, Aniyah Kastner, Brogan Larabee, Noah Maselli, Lena Poette, Cole Rohlfs, Layla Pulley, Coleson Serre, Coleson Serre, Gianna Witek.


Grade 11: Richard Colon, Connor Griffin, Kamarion Kastner, Cameron Lovato, Gracie Rhinemiller, Stanley Rudy.

Grade 10: Jayden Tatro

Grade 9: Taylor Boulger, Addison Colvin, Jaelynn Dodge, Mitchell Ryan, Ashley Mott.

Grade 8: , Alyviah Bromley


Frist Quarter Honor Roll

High Honors
Grade 12: Zachary Boyles, Trinity Brackett, Isaac Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Maryn Cappiello, Richelle Carr, Corey Charron, William Hakes, Cordelia Huffstater, Ashlyn Lesure, Kimberly Mach, Cameron McGinnis, Molly McLear, Emma Meczywor, Zamira Saimbert, Rachel Scarpitto, Kenneth Stevens, Christopher Szabo, Clarissa Tanguay, Amiracle Tatro
Leo Warin, Matthew Witek
Grade 11: Vanessa Biddy, Ella Bissaillon, Kelsey Brown, Kylie Clark, Nyla Dion, Virginia Field, Kamarion Kastner, Cash Kolodziej, Nathan Lapinski, Hannah Lord, Ava McLear, Noah Rehill, Evan Richardson, Brady Sherman, Mark St. Hilaire, Anna Thurston, Alexis Warner, Kennedy Whitley, Gracelyn Wright.
Grade 10: Emma Akroman, Eva Akroman, Niyanna Borawski, Hanna Borer, Leyah Brown, Timothy Harrington, Elazia Hebert, Aurura Jones-Daigneault, Rylin Larabee, Alyssa Maselli, Benjamin Payton, Reagan Shea, Alexandra Silvernail, Olivia Silvernail, Sophia Sumner.
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