Berkshire Medical Center recognizes employee service

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Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield (BHS photo)
Berkshire Medical Center recently honored 293 employees, with a total of 5,835 years of service to BMC, the former Hillcrest Hospital and BMC's Hillcrest Campus. The employees were honored for length of service, ranging from 10 to 40-years. Recognized at the Berkshire Medical Center annual Employee Recognition Dinner at the Crowne Plaza, and their length of service were: 40 Years Judith Butler, Carmella Delmolino, Julie McMahon 35 Years Rose Benoit, Maryanne Brown, Jeanne Bryant, Susan Cassinelli, Virginia Cudak, Carol Ferraro, Sandra Gero, Patricia Laston, Sally Miner, Linda Murphy, Anne Rainey, Mary Robins, M. Susan Spiewak, Marie White, Barry Wynkoop 30 Years Joanne Adams, Rocelia Bagnera, Susan Barber, Anne Bell, Christine Brown, Darlene Chazey, Ellen Chiacchiaretto, Sharlene Collins, Susan Cook, Valerie Copeland, Frances Ferguson, Patrick Ferriere, Deborah Fields, Deborah Fuore, Patricia Gero, Susan Hillebrand, Roberta Hover, Geraldine Hurley, Patricia Keefner, Nikolaus Kennedy, Sharon Kennedy, Donna Landers, Mildred Maxwell, Patricia Morrison, Diane O'Brien, Alison Phillips, Audre Sadlowski, Sharon Shepard, Kathleen Smith, Olivia Smith, Adell Thomas, Theresa Toolan, Mary Walsh 25 Years Doris Bosma, Kathryn Buckley, Ann Cohen, Linda Croshier, Bruce Cutter, Nancy Davis, Deborah Deloye, Phyllis DeMartino, Catherine Doyle, Kathleen Duquette, Charles Dutelle, Jackie Roy-Elliott, Kathryn Fahey, Barbara Gagnier, Timothy Galeucia, Jean Geary, Lucille Goodrich, Michael Gross, John Guitard, Laura Guzzo, Betsy Hamilton, Mary Hayes, Nancy Heidel, Geraldine Higgins, Judy Jansen, Mary Kay Kasuba, Ann Kuni, Richard Lacey, Janet Layton-Zurrin, Joan Mancuso, Evelyn Massacani, Jean Miller, Sylvan Moe, William Morrison, Linda Nash Mullett, Alex Neary, Judy Nylic, Marilyn Pelkey, Joseph Pires, Robert Quinto, Susan Reinhold, Judy Reynolds, Susan Roth, Kathleen Sedgwick, Karen Shepard, Margaret Sime, Carol Tierney, Deborah Wigglesworth 20 Years Pamela Ancora, Carole Anderson, Joan Andrews, Carol Aubin, Judy Bernardo, John Betters, Stacie Blake, Linda Bonito, Lucy Britton, Beverly Brodeur, Moira Buoni, Catherine Butler, Marie Cahill, Patricia Campagna, Joseph Carusotto, Diane Charbonneau, Kathleen Chojnowski, Lynn DelNegro, Joseph Durant, Shirley Eichelser, Scott Emerson, Peter Farias, Nancy Faustine, Linda Ferren, Kathleen Giacoletto, Melanie Gillmeister, Bertha Gratton, Mary Haddad, Ramona Hamilton, Lorie Harrington, Nancy Harris, Victoria Harrison, Jeffrey Henderson, Vicki Hoctor, Linda Jette, Lillian Joyner, Susan Kelly, Gail Krebs, Michelle Lee, Teresa Libardi, Craig Mancivalano, Beverly Marziello, Regina McGovern, Edward Minifie, Nelle Moody, Sarah Murphy, Leo Nesbit, David Peirce, Patricia Phair, Susan Pullaro, Debra Purcell, Renee Putnam, Elinor Quinlan, Karoline Richardson, Janet Rivers, Vicki Robare, William Ross, Jayne Savery, Mary Jo Saviski, Michael Shea, William Singer, Helen Stewart, Darrell Stone, Priscilla Tucker, Donna Virgilio, Patricia Webber, Debra Wojtkowski, Lynn Yon 15 Years Sandy Allen, Richard Beverly, Lisa Bock, Diane Boyington, Colleen Brassard, Catherine Breault, Stanley Caesar, Michele Cancilla, Karen Carson, Lisa Cerviera, Robert Cimini, Katherine Condron, Gail Connors, Elaine Consolati, Steven Cormier, Nancy Crouse, Judy Crowell, Mary Darrow, Sandi Darrow, Rosemarie Deangelo, Kelly Delphia, Arthur Duclos, Susan Duncan, Michelle Dupont, Sally Dupuis, Doreen Evans, Althea Foist, Delphia Foley, Susan Gagnon, Kathleen Gideon, Richard Glasener, David Hambro, Carolyn Hambro, Theresa Hanford, Kathy Hart, Kimberly Hassenpflug, Cheryl Jenks, Karen Kellar, Bobbi Kickery, Arlene Kincaid, Ann Komer, Jane Leprovost, Faith Levesque, Sharon Lipka, Robin Love, Nancy Lyon, Michelle Lyons Ostaski, Terry Maloy, Michelle Mangin, Cheryl Maselli, Kelly McCarthy, Lee Meisenheimer, Kathleen Mele, Kelli Ann Milne, Brian Mongeon, Tamie Nicholls, Kimberly Obanhein, Donna Poulton, Shirley Rigdon, Carolyn Robinson, Anne Marie Rock, Dr. Henry Rose, Suzanne Ross, Carol Sanderson, Michelle Schnopp, Francine Sewell, Gary Stergis, Judy Sweener, Donna Tooley, Adam Trachier, Michele Vyska, Darla Walek, Deborah Wehry, Janet Winneroski, Carol Wojcik, Mark Wojcik 10 Years Sandra Ayotte, Brenda Bahnson, Daniel Belair, Diane Boyer, Catherine Bush-McCormack, Linda Carroll, Harriet Cuyler, Ruth Doherty, Carolyn Finnegan, George Gay, Peter Gazzillo, Hazel Goodsill, Leonardo Grande, Cheryl Gunn, Rita Houle, Ruth Hover, Gail Hover-Polidoro, Caroleen Hungerford, Mary Iwanowicz, Susan Kaufman, James Lacey, Susan Lang, Elizabeth Larsen, Erica Laws, Betty Lennon, Susan MacLeod, Lynda McMahon, Kathy Murphy, Cindy Nesbit, Sheila Nickerson, Amy Nordin, Donna Norton, Kathleen Perkett, Agnes Peron, Phyllis Pierce, Gloria Potter, Edward Puskey, Lynn Quinn, Denise Ronan, Carolyn Sawyer, Gayle Schrader, Judy Shaffer, Sharon Shogry, Susan Smith, Danielle Squires, Christine Szklasz, June Underdue, Donna Volpi, Terry Walsh, Deborah Windover
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Pittsfield Parade Committee Picks Theme, Elects New Leadership

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Pittsfield Parade Committee, during its Annual Meeting in November, chose the theme "Young at Heart" for this year's Pittsfield Fourth of July Parade.
While holding its annual elections for the Board of Directors, the committee elected Pittsfield Downtown Inc. Director Rebecca Brien President, officially replacing longtime Director Pete Marchetti.
"The parade brings people of all ages together for a celebration of country and patriotism," Brien said. "This year's focus or theme, as with previous years, is on a segment of the whole or on the younger members of our community or those who simply feel young at heart."
The theme is typically used as a guide by float designers and musical groups participating in the line of march.
Marchetti is just entering his second full year as Mayor of Pittsfield following two decades as Director of the parade organization and coordinator of the Fourth of July Parade. Brien spent the past year as interim co-coordinator of the parade with Kristine Rose.
Elections also saw the re-election of the following members to the board: City Council President Pete White as well as Esther Anderson, and Chuck Gianatasio. Other members of the Board: Vice President Dick Murphy, Treasurer Tom Ryan, Secretary Patrick Kelly, Jill Gianatasio, April White, Weslia Wheeler, Ken Wheeler, Claudia White, and Peter Marchetti.
The committee invites members of the community to join and participate in the decision-making and on the day of the parade as the individual units are delivered into the parade's line of march on time and in order from the various holding streets just south of Pittsfield's Park Square intersection.
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