In September, when the district got word of a police chase on upper West Street, there were no questions asked when the PPD instructed them to shelter in place.
The School Committee on Wednesday approved an ambitious timeline that could see the city's middle school reconfiguration implemented as soon as the 2025-26 academic year.
Administrators will soon decide to repost the assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction, and educational, engagement or to keep the role of interim deputy superintendent for the time being and repost the other position in early 2025.
Superintendent Joseph Curtis would like to see the district's cell phone policy tightened up after more than 6,000 violations were accrued during the last school year.
The school district's former special education director has been appointed as the assistant superintendent for school transformation and accountability.
Curtis reported that the district would be comfortable bringing forward proposals for non-staff member cuts on June 26, sending out the information to committee member before hands.
The event brought together not just the district's special needs children and mainstreaming students but also their families, administrators, and staff, all participating in a daylong Special Olympics event at Clapp Park.
Superintendent Joseph Curtis reiterated that the $80 million spending plan is not ideal but assured that the district will continue to serve its community with pride, purpose, compassion, and understanding.
The School Department sees an opportunity to rebuild two insufficient schools on one site with shared facilities — now it needs support from the School Committee and City Council.
Superintendent Joseph Curtis on Wednesday presented the details of a potential SOI to the Massachusetts School Building Authority for the elementary school that would combine Conte Community School and Crosby onto one campus with two buildings and shared facilities.
While the majority is attributed to the budget approved by the School Committee, this also includes a healthy amount of state aid and funds from other city departments.
Power balance can mean a lot of different things from popularity, size, disability, economic disadvantage, race, ethnicity, gender, among other things, Nichols said.
A decline in Pittsfield's population has planners reviewing the size and number of the city's elementary schools, their grade configurations and the curricular offerings of the middle and high schools.