The School Committee on Thursday approved the $11.5 million fiscal 2024 budget, of which about $4 million will be raised through assessments on its nine member communities.
The resolution warrants communications to parents, guardians, and students on the importance of secure firearm storage as soon as possible, distributed to each school at least once annually, and included in the district website and student registration materials.
Miller reiterated his enthusiastic support for completing the track and field project after so many years of discussion but also made a final case for not entirely spending down the capital gift.
All performances will take place in the Drury High School auditorium, 1130 South Church Street in North Adams. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults. Tickets will be sold at the door.
The BQLP is envisioned to expand to a complete college serving traditional age and transfer students over the next few years and would be the first intentionally queer-serving college in the world.
Curtis explained that the food will sometimes not arrive when students anticipate and they will ask to leave class and go downstairs to eat, which is an issue on its own.
This certification is part of the ongoing partnership between Simon's Rock and the Southern Berkshire Regional School District to offer early college opportunities to public high school students in South County.
The budget's funding includes several other investments in education and workforce development programs, such as Early College and Innovation Pathways, the Community College SUCCESS fund, the Healthcare Worker Training and AFL-CIO Workforce Development programs, Career Technical Institutes and Registered Apprenticeship Programs.
Get BArT Smart features a trivia experience, individuals and teams of up to 6 will travel from classroom to classroom throughout the evening for trivia and team projects served up by BArT educators.
Registration is open to MCLA students, interested community members, high school students, those pursuing a master's degree, and Berkshires-based college students who wish to earn credits toward their degree from another institution.
The district has had improvement in absences this year versus last year's overall attendance rate, Deputy Superintendent Marisa Mendonsa said during last week's school committee meeting.
This is a supplemental computer-based English language program for multilingual students that is available in 12 languages for kindergarten through eighth grade.
The McCann School Committee has hired Bradley Architects of Pittsfield to draw up the plans for a 5,600 square foot building that will house the new heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration program.
Elected town officials encouraged the Central Berkshire Regional School District to work on reducing its budget and being more open to collaboration with the towns that fund it.
MCLA's Hardman Lecture Series presents in-depth discussions with some of the leading journalists of our time and is made possible through the generosity of the Hardman Family Endowment.
Fisher College will offer discounted tuition rates for Big Y Foods, Inc. employees and their immediate family members and will work to identify courses and develop programs that fit within the needs of Big Y Foods, Inc