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Town Meeting & Election Roundup

Staff Reports

Election Results

Budget Approved at Becket Annual Town Meeting
BECKET, Mass. — The town held its annual town meeting on Saturday, May 8. Only 74 of the town's 1,261 registered voters were in attendance. Voters approved a total municipal budget of just over $4.5 million. The town's assessment to the Central Berkshire Regional School District was also approved at nearly $2.1 million. The town's vocational budget of $264,000 was also given voter approval on Saturday.

Also of interest, voters did not approve the expansion of the town's select board from three to five members. They also turned away an article that would have made the town clerk's position an appointed position instead of an elected one as it is now.

Town election is Tuesday, May 18, noon to 7 at the Senior Center
Town meeting is Wednesday, May 19, at 7 at the Elementary School

Dalton Voters OK Debt Exclusion, Elect New Selectman
DALTON, Mass. — Voter turnout in Dalton was not good Monday as residents went to the polls. Elected to the Board of Selectmen was Mary R. Cherry, who pulled in 429 votes. Opponents Thomas Burgner picked up 247 votes and Timothy Kirby, 232. Current Chairman John Boyle and Selectman William Chabot were re-elected to their seats unopposed.

The debt exclusion question of $230,000 for Town Hall renovations and equipment passed 499-399 while the non-binding ballot question to re-format the Select Board to three positions and eliminate the town manager's job lost by 494-409. Voter turnout was dismal, with only 935 out of 4,255 registered voters casting ballots.

Elected unopposed were Ronald J. Marcella Sr. as moderator; Karen M. Quinn and Caleb J. Darby for Planning Board; E. Edwin Cady as cemetery trustee; John Kittredge, Anne M. Ronayne and Stephanie Shafiroff as library trustees; Judith A. Conroy for the Dalton Housing Authority; and William A. Drosehn III, J. Michael Hoffman and Patrick J. Sheehan for Finance Committee.

Egremont Voters Turn Out In Droves
EGREMONT, Mass. — There was very good voter participation in Egremont on Tuesday, May 11, as the town held its annual election. Some 540 of the town's 963 registered voters went to the polls, a 56 percent turnout.

There were four contested races, the most interesting being a rare tie in the race for a two-year seat on the Planning Board between H. Bernard Haeckel and Penny Hudnut. Both candidates received 236 votes. The normal course of action in this case is a recount. If there is still a tie after recounting the votes, then a special election can be scheduled.

In the other races Tuesday, Janis Sagarin beat out David Hall Devine 306-183 for a five–year seat on the Planning Board, Elizabeth Holland defeated Georgette Kinney 317-177 for a three-year term as assessor and Bruce Turner defeated Laura Allen by a mere 13 votes for a three-year term on the Board of Selectmen. The vote count was 271-258. The remaining races were uncontested: Thomas A. Gage as modertor, Margaret A. Muskrat as town clerk, James Olmsted as tree warden, Rosemary Besancon as constable, Susan Turner as library trustee, Herman Trudeau Jr. as cemetery commissioner, William H. Wood as associate for the Planning Board and Stephen Agar as water commissioner.

Florida Fills Posts with Write-ins
FLORIDA, Mass. — There were no races in the town election this year but 85 of the 540 registered voters went to Town Hall to cast ballots on Monday, May 3 to vote for 11 town positions. Ronald Briggs was returned as selectman to a three-year term with 79 votes; Michael LeClair received one write-in.

There were a large number of write-in votes, some of which filled vacant seats. Judy Embry was re-elected with 79 votes to the School Committee over Jana Hunkler Brule, with two write-ins, but Brule won a seat on the McCann School Committee with 22 write-ins. Ed Drummond had one write-in for McCann. Brule also picked up up the one-year auditor post with six votes; her nearest competition was Al Bedini Jr. and Doris Lewis, garnering a vote each.

Other results are:
Tree warden for one year: Doug Miller, 77 votes, with one write-in for Stanley Brown; assessor for three years: Margaret "Margo" Van Peterson with 56 votes and one write-in vote each for Bradley Furlon and Michael LeClair.
• Board of Health for three years: Alfred Bedini Sr. with 72 votes; Ken Sherman received two write-ins.
• Constable for three years (all write-in votes): Richard LeClair with 13 votes; Kevin Dodge garnered two and Bradley Furlon, Richard LeClair, Calvin Peters, Michael Bedini and Ronald Briggs received one.
• Library trustee three years: Alfred Bedini Jr. with 58 votes; Heidi Dugal, 18 write-ins. In the two spots for trustees for Soldierss Memorial, Theresa Culpepper was elected with 80 votes and Drummond with 14 votes.
•Planning Board for five years: James Pedro with 63 votes and one write-in for Francis Mundy.

New Faces On Great Barrington Board
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Two three-year seats on the Selectmen went to newcomers in the Tuesday, May 11, election.

Alan Chernila polled 1,016 votes and Stephen Bannon 553, ousting Selectwoman Deb Phillips. Phillips garnered 649 votes and fourth candidate Walter F. Atwood III received 524. Turnout was 30 percent, with 1,352 of the town's 4,460 registered voters casting ballots.

A write-in campaign by Alice Reilly earned her 60 votes for a three-year seat on the Finance Committee. All other offices were unopposed.

Lenox Ousts School Committee Members
LENOX, Mass. — There were two contested races in Lenox on Tuesday as 1,056 of the town's registered voters made their way to the polls, including for two three-year seats on the School Committee.

Both incumbents, Arlene Schiff and Shannon Delasco lost their bids for re-election. The winners were David Berkel and Veronica Fenton. Berkel finished with 502 votes and Fenton with 480. Schiff and Delasco came in third and fourth place, respectively, with the least amount of votes garnered by fifth canddiate Jeremiah Ames.

Kenneth Fowler beat out David Roche Jr. and Derrick Holt for a three-year term on the Board of Selectmen with 22-vote margin of victory. Fowler garnered 468 votes while Roche finished the night with 446 votes and Holt came in with 131 votes.

Elected unopposed were Moderator Hugh C. Cowhig, Assessor James E. Sorrentino, Planner Joseph A. Kellogg and Theresa E. Sorrentino to the Housing Authority; write-in candidate Christopher Trancynger won a seat on the Board of Health.

Debt Exclusions Pass in New Marlborough
NEW MARLBOROUGH, Mass. —  Voters approved two Proposition 2 1/2 debt exclusions for equipment at the town election on Tuesday, May 11:  $59,000 for a Highway Department truck by a vote of 81-72 and $100,000 for a new ambulance by a vote of 98-56.

All offices were unopposed; 158 voters cast ballots.

Richmond Sets Meeting, Election
RICHMOND, Mass. —  A special town meeting will be held prior to the annual town meeting beginning at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 26, at the Richmond Consolidated School. The town meeting will follow at 7:30.

Of the nine articles to be considered at the special town meeting, six address current fiscal-year deficits within several salary accounts, including Winter Roads, the Fire Department and the Road Maintenance accounts (this will replace the funds expended during last July's rain storms). One asks for the funding of the town's portion of a new mower, the remainder of which will come from the school's current operating budget. Another asks for a transfer of funds into the Stabilization Account, and the final for the adoption of certain sections of the Massachusetts General Laws that will allow for the placement of tax liens for unpaid sewer operation and maintenance bills.

The annual town meeting will be asked to consider the budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1, proposed bylaw changes, and other matters.

The town election will be held on Saturday, May 29, at Town Hall from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Absentee ballots are no available from the town clerk. There are no races on the ballot.

The offices and individuals who will appear on the ballot are: Selectman for three years, incumbent Marguerite Rawson; two members of the Board of Health for three years, Dean Fulco and Diane Pero, both incumbents, and one for two years (vacant seat), Eric Melle; School Committee for three years, incumbent Christine Triantos; two members for the Finance Committee for three years, John Mason and Diane Pero, both incumbents; Planning Board seat for five years, John Hanson, incumbent; library trustee for three years, incumbent Adeline Ellis; and moderator for one year, incumbent John Whitney.

Town meeting is Saturday, May 15, at 10 a.m.
Town election is Monday, May 17, from 10-8
Both at Old Town Hall on Silver Brook Road
More information: www.sandisfieldtimes.org/

Sheffield Elects New Selectman
SHEFFIELD, Mass. — There one contested race in the town election on Tuesday, May 11. Incumbent Library Trustee Susan Young retained her seat, garnering 319 votes for another three years. Her challenger, David Pottle, finished with 190 votes. Also of note, David Smith Jr. earned an unoppposed three-year term on the Selectmen with 441 votes. Out of the towns 2,275 registered voters, 515 cast ballots.

West Stockbridge Elect Two Selectmen
WEST STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. — Voters elected Karen Zick to a two-year seat and Edward Denham to a three-year seat on the Selectmen.

Zink won 184-146 against former Police Chief Karl Cooper; Denham, running unopposed, garnered 253 votes. Kathleen Davis was re-elected 194-113 to a three-year term as library trustee against Michael Polizzi.

A third of the town's 1,035 registered voters turned out.

Election Results

No Moderator For Windsor
WINDSOR, Mass. — Voters elected newcomer Brian Koczela to a three-year seat on the Selectmen in the town election on Monday, May 10. Koczela was unopposed. Of the town's 628 registered voters, 122 cast ballots.

Two write-in candidates duked it out for the position of town moderator but ended in a tie. Paul Hoag and Charles Sturtevant both got 7 votes, meaning the voters will have a elect a moderator for each town meeting.

Elected unopposed were George J. Bigelow, Michael R. Tesoro and newcomer Valerie Nickerson-Bird to the Finance Committee, Kip Andrew Boymaster as constable, Hugh Ferry as tree warden, Marcia Musiak to the Cemetery Commission, Andrew M. Schmidt to the Planning Board and newcomer F.A. Webb as library trustee.

Information provided by Berkshire News Network and iBerkshires.com.

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Cariddi Kicking Off Campaign for 1st Berkshire

Campaign Statement

North Adams City Councilor Gail Cariddi will formally announce her candidacy for state representative for the 1st Berkshire District on Friday, May 14, at noon at the North Adams Public Library, 74 Church Street, North Adams.

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Williamstown Results: School Debt OK'd, Gold Wins Moderator

Staff Reports

Unofficial Results

SELECTMEN (two elected)


Tom Costley


Ronald Turbin


Richard Haley Jr.


MODERATOR      (one  elected)       






Mark Gold    1,102             Frederick Leber 320


Debt Exclusion for Remainder of the Roof Debt
for Mt. Greylock Regional High School

YES   1,020

NO      546

Debt Exclusion New Boiler and Repair of Locker Rooms
at Mt. Greylock Regional

YES  1,037

NO  528

Williamstown Elementary School Committee (two elected)

Margaret McComish 910

Valerie Hall   845

Huff Templeton III  453

Northern Berkshire Regional Vocational School Committee (one elected)

James Gazzaniga   863

Daniel Collyer  354

 1,632 people voted (36.2 percent of registered voters)

 WILLIAMSTOWN — Voters overwhelmingly backed two debt exclusions Tuesday, while the incumbents held on in the Selectmen race and Mark Gold won in a landslide for the open town moderator seat.

In response to a pair of ballot questions regarding the passage of Proposition 2 1/2 debt exclusions to fund repairs at Mount Greylock Regional High School, voters answered with a resounding 'yes.'  According to unofficial results Tuesday night, 65 percent of voters answered 'yes' to Question 1 while 66 percent backed Question 2.

"It's a great thing," David Archibald, chairman of the Mount Greylock School Committee, said Tuesday night. "I think it's important for the school, the teachers, the parents and the students when the town supports them like this."

Gold, who will replace longtime moderator Stan Parese, received 77 percent of the votes against Frederick Leber. The moderator position is a three-year term.

"I'm really flattered by the margin," Gold said. "I'm looking forward to running a fair and open town meeting. I thought [Parese] was an outstanding moderator, and I hope I can serve the position as well as he did."

Leber, who ran on the platform of a more aggressive approach when selecting the Finance Committee, was disheartened by the margin of defeat.

"I'm very surprised," he said. "I thought I was going to win. Oh well, that's democracy in action."

In the Selectmen's race, incumbents Tom Costley and Ronald Turbin were re-elected to serve another three years. They each eclipsed 1,000 votes while challenger Richard Haley Jr. tallied 690. Haley said that running for public office was an exhausting process, admitting that he had trouble sleeping during the nights leading up to the elections.

"It felt like it was the beginning of a road race before the results came in, just all the nerves," Haley said. "It's worth standing up and saying what you believe. I did it for people who needed it to be done. I'm glad I did it."

Costley and Turbin both expressed excitement after Town Clerk Mary Kennedy announced the preliminary results Tuesday night at Williamstown Elementary School.

"I love being a Selectmen, and I look forward to serving for three more years," Costley, chairman of the Selectmen Board, said.

"I'm very gratified that the voters thought I did a good enough job in the past three years to give me another term," Turbin said. "[Haley] made it an interesting race. It's healthy to have contested elections. It encourages people to participate, and it brings out the issues."

In the other contested races:

-- Incumbent Margaret McComish and newcomer Valerie Hall won the two available spots on the Williamstown Elementary School Committee.

-- Incumbent James Gazzaniga was reelected to serve on the Northern Berkshire Vocational School Committee.

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Election Day in Williamstown

Patrick Ronan

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — As of 1 p.m. on Tuesday, just under 20 percent of registered voters had cast their ballots in the annual town elections, according to Town Clerk Mary Kennedy.

Polls close at 8 p.m. and all voting takes place at the Williamstown Elementary School. Check back later tonight as iBerkshires will post election results once they become available.

There are two debt exclusion items on the ballot and four contested races for town offices, including a three-man race — incumbents Tom Costley, Ronald Turbin and challenger Richard Haley Jr. — for two spots on the Board of Selectmen. A new town moderator will be elected, as well; either Mark Gold or Frederick Leber will fill the vacancy left by Stan Parese, who served the position for 12 years.

Kennedy said she expected bigger crowds for the morning and early-afternoon tallies, but she said it's still early. She pointed to a sticker on her shirt that read "I Voted Today," which is being handed out as voters leave the school.

"This helps a lot. Somebody comes back in the office and says, 'Oh it's election day. I'll have to vote after work,'" Kennedy said.

"My barometer for how busy an election is going to be is the absentee ballots, and I didn't have a big demand for them. But any time you have a debt exclusion of Prop 2 1/2, it usually brings in a crowd."

State Rep. and candidate for Berkshire County sheriff Daniel E. Bosley was outside of the elementary school on Tuesday afternoon, greeting voters and handing out fliers for Wednesday night's campaign kickoff event at the American Legion in North Adams.

"The people in Williamstown always come out for elections, so you know there's going to be a good crowd. You've got to start now. You can't wait until September."


Left, State Rep. Daniel E. Bosley stands outside of the Williamstown Elementary School on Tuesday. Above, candidates for the town elections are set up near the entrance of the school.


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Bosley Officially Launches Sheriff Campaign

Campaign to Elect Dan Bosley


Rep. Daniel E. Bosley

NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Daniel E. Bosley will officially launch his campaign for sheriff of Berkshire County on Wednesday, May 12.

Bosley, a Democrat who has represented the 1st Berkshire District in the state Legislature since 1987, is running to fill the post being vacated by Sheriff Carmen Massimiano.

The official campaign kickoff event will be held at the American Legion beginning at 7 p.m.

Bosley said he plans to put his background in public policy, public financing and public safety to work running an effective and proactive sheriff's office and a jail that is not only secure but cost- and resource-efficient.

During his 24 years serving the 1st Berkshire District, Bosley said he has shown consistent leadership in the areas of budgeting and economic development. As sheriff, Bosley will draw on his experience to ensure the Berkshire County sheriff's office, the jail and House of Correction, and the programs run by the sheriff's office receive fair funding from the state. Additionally, he said he will bring to the office an innovative approach that will allow him to improve systems and programs, making Berkshire County a safer place to live while conserving taxpayer dollars.

He would like to thank everyone who has helped him in the past and talk about his future vision for Berkshire County sheriff and the Berkshire House of Corrections.

The public is invited to celebrate his formal kick-Off for the race for Berkshire County sheriff.


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News Headlines
Lee Overnight Bridge Painting Operations
North Adams Kicks Off Fall Foliage Weekend with Return of Dog Costume Parade
North Adams Man Guilty of Murder
Pontoosuc Under Public Health Advisory
Greylock Project Proponents, Opponents Getting Message Out
Berkshire Green Drinks: Tracking: Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind
South County Overnight Road Work
Letter: Halt the Notch Reservoir Logging Project
New Fall Foliage Leaf Hunt Clues for 2024
Letter: Yes to Greylock Project

Where to vote in Berkshire County

State Election
Tuesday, Nov. 4

Voting is from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Deadline to register or change party affiliation was Oct.15.

Candidates on the ballot in races for state office; all others on the ballot are unopposed. Links will take you to their campaign websites.

U.S. Senator
Edward J. Markey, Democrat
Brian J. Herr, Republican

Governor/Lieutenant Governor
Charlie Baker & Karyn Polito, Republican
Martha Coakley & Stephen Kerrigan, Democrat
Evan Falchuk & Angus Jennings, United Independent Party
Scott Lively & Shelly Saunders, Independent
Jeff McCormick & Tracy Post, Independent 

Attorney General
Maura Healey, Democratic
John B. Miller, Republican

Secretary of State
William Francis Galvin, Democratic
David D'Arcangelo, Republican
Daniel L. Factor, Green-Rainbow

Deborah B. Goldberg, Democratic
Michael James Heffernan, Republican
Ian T. Jackson, Green-Rainbow

Suzanne M. Bump, Democratic
Patricia S. Saint Aubin, Republican
MK Merelice, Green-Rainbow

Municipal Elections

The cities of Pittsfield and North Adams will hold municipal elections for mayor, city council and school committee in 2015

You may vote absentee: if you will be absent from your town or city on election day, have a physical disability that prevents you from voting at the polls or cannot vote at the polls because to religious beliefs.

2010 Special Senate Election Results

Election 2009 Stories

Election Day 2008




1st Berkshire (42)
2010 (0)
2011 (78)
2012 (59)
2013 (63)
2014 (76)
2nd Berkshire (29)
3rd Berkshire (19)
4th Berkshire (14)
attorney general (6)
auditor (5)
campaign (72)
candidate forums (49)
city council (40)
Congress (25)
election (74)
endorsements (47)
events (30)
fundraising (10)
governor (26)
letters (9)
local (18)
mayor (54)
news (8)
school committee (21)
selectmen (22)
selectmen (16)
sheriff (28)
state (24)
statements (45)
Bosley Mayor Macdonald Town Election North Adams Williamstown Democratic Party Independent Preliminary Election 2013 Cariddi Szczepaniak Election 2014 Pittsfield City Council Selectmen Bowler Bissaillon Berkshire Brigades Boucher Lieutenant Governor Candidates Town Elections Mark U.s. Senate Debates Letters To The Editor Debate Campaign Special Election Republican Party Governor Primary Democrat 1st Mass
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