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Linda Cernik, program coordinator of the Northern Berkshire Solid Waste Management District, updates the Board of Selectmen on the town's waste management.

Adams Recycling Efforts Paying Benefits

By Tammy Daniels iBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — The town is doing well in terms of its trash management and recycling efforts. 
"Your recycling has definitely increased, and you're doing wonderful, Linda Cernik, program coordinator of the Northern Berkshire Solid Waste Management District, said. "You have a 69 percent recycling ratio to your trash."
Cernik was giving an update to the Board of Selectmen at its meeting Wednesday. Adams is one of 14 towns that participant in the regional waste district. 
"Adams is the second-largest scrap metal recycler in the district with some 38 tons of scrap metal and the town made over $2,000," she said at Wednesday's meeting. "Textile recycling, you're the highest in the district. You've had over 17,000 pounds of textiles diverted from the waste stream, and brought in $1,200."
The town has diverted some 119 tons in "commingled" recyclables of paper, plastic and glass and trash collected was 172 tons. 
It also received a sustainable recovery materials grant of $4,550 through the Recycling Dividends Program, or RDP. The state grant is allocated on a point system using a criteria of waste diversion and number of households served. This past year's points were worth $325 and Adams scored 14 points. 
"This year, if you reach 10 and up, you'll get $600 a point," said Cernik. "So my goal is to work with all of the towns to try to get you as many points possible to increase your reward for MassDEP so you can put it back into your recycling programs. So kudos to the town. You're doing very well."
The state has added on categories for the use of those funds, including a wood chipper or stump grinder to clean up yard waste. 
"Now, from my understanding, there's quite a bit down at the wastewater treatment plan. Tim [Cota] said he got a call," Cernik said. "I think it's something we should definitely entertain by using the RDP."
Adams in one of three towns in the district that accept brush: both Adams and Dalton take brush for free only from residents while Williamstown charges $4 per cubic yard for residential and $12 for per cubic yard for commercial.
"I don't know what your feelings are. If you continue to take unlimited brush, without the resources to maintain it, it's just going to get worse," she said. "If we clean this up, in five years, like I said, it's
going to be right back where it is."
Interim Town Administrator Kenneth Walto said he has spoken with Cota, operations supervisor for the Department of Public Works, about using monies from the RDP to hire equipment or a company to deal with the issue. 
Board members briefly discussed the potential of leasing or buying equipment but then put off further discussion until the transfer station budget and fees are taken up. 
"My opinion would be that we have a longer conversation about that, with all of those facts and the individuals in the room," said Chair Christine Hoyt. Walto added that Cota would be getting quotes for the board's review. 
Cernik noted they also should have gotten a recycling survey, which she described as "very intense," and other forms that are required for participation in RDP.
The disposal events are scheduled for the year and available on the district's website, with the first a paper shredding event in Cheshire on April 12 and a household hazardous waste collection in Adams on April 26. 
Registration is required for the hazardous waste collection so Clean Harbors, the collector, can be prepared for the types of chemicals being dropped and have sufficient staff. Anyone wishing to participate should contact Cernik at or call 413-743-8208 if no response in 48 hours.
There is no charge but there is a 25 gallon limit for chemicals such as oil based paint, stains, gasoline, oil, etc.  Last year, about 150 households participated. The budget is estimated at $12,000 to $15,000 so if someone has a large amount, she would have to see what the costs would be. 
In other business, Walto provided the board with potential dates in late March to begin budget discussions and an annual town meeting date of Tuesday, June 17. The board will set the dates at its next meeting. 
The board referred an Open Meeting Law complaint from resident Catherine Foster to town counsel. Foster's complaint was that the board did not hold a meeting in late December to address a previous OML complaint from her. 

Tags: NBSWD,   recycling,   

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Meeting Prompts Cheshire Treasurer to Retire

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — The town has a temporary town treasurer after longtime Treasurer/Collector Rebecca Herzog abruptly retired last week. 
Ben Gelb, part-time treasurer for Rowe, was appointed on Friday during a special meeting of the Board of Selectmen
Herzog's departure after 28 years was in response to an executive session scheduled last Tuesday  "to consider the discipline or dismissal of a public employee and/or to hear complaints or charges brought against a public employee."
The board had three issues with her office: failure to payout accrued time and benefits for a laid-off employee, concerns over bonding documents for the new fire truck and for not responding in a timely manner to requests from the board and the town administrator. 
Herzog blamed vacation and sick time accrual mistakes on the town's software system and said she'd been following the schedule for the bonding process and didn't see anything unusual.
She proffered her retirement letter to the Selectmen after requesting an open session. 
"I am retiring effective tonight. I'm done. You know, what a shame that this is the way my career ends over a mistake," she said, adding she had assumed she was being fired. "It was just to humiliate me."
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