Nomination Papers Available In Adams
Offices on the May 5 annual town election ballot will be: two selectmen, one treasurer/collector, one assessor, one Board of Health member, two library trustees, one cemetery commissioner, one representative to the Northern Berkshire Vocational Regional School District, and two Hoosac Valley Regional School Committee members, all for a term of three years.
Also on the ballot is are one-year terms for moderator for a term of one year; and one seat each on the Planning Board seat, Housing Authority and Redevelopment Authority for terms of five years. There are terms of one, two and three years open for town meeting member in all five precincts.
Candidates seeking to run for office should contact the town clerk's office to pick up nomination papers. All signatures must be ink signatures, no electronic signatures are allowed.
Completed nomination papers must be returned to the Board of Registrars for certification no later than Monday, March 17. Questions regarding running for town office can be addressed by reaching out to the town clerk's office at 413-743-8300, Ext. 176.
Tags: election 2025, nomination, town elections,