North Adams Warns Residents of Pipe Survey Scams

By Tammy Daniels iBerkshires Staff
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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — City residents are still being plied with scams over the lead pipe survey.
Officials are warning residents of calls and letters claiming to represent the survey and requesting money. The survey is being done at no cost to residents. 
"We are in the midst of having a lead pipe survey, as most of you know," Mayor Jennifer Macksey said at Tuesday's City Council meeting. "You should have received letters in the mail about a question of what type of pipes you have coming into your house. I know that some people have received calls asking to pay for this survey. Please be reminded that this is a scam, that our survey is free and they should be identifying as a company through Tighe & Bond [the survey engineers]."
North Adams, like other communities across the state, has been required to conduct a survey of its lead and copper pipes used for drinking water in both public and private service lines by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This is to inform an inventory and replacement plan and the expected replacement of any lead pipe within 10 years. 
The survey is free and can be found on the city's website here along with ways to determine what type of pipes you have. There is also contact information for the city's Water Department for any questions. 
The fraud calls and letters have been around for months and city officials last fall warned residents not to fall for them. Anyone receiving such calls should report the incident immediately to the North Adams Police Department at 413-664-4944, Ext. 1.
"Please do not give your credit card information over the phone, and we encourage people to schedule the survey as soon as possible," said Macksey. "Also be reminded that the determination of lead pipe has not been made yet. We are still in the assessing process. If you received a letter saying that you have lead pipes and you have to pay X that also is a scam.
"It's very sad that we are trying to get through this process and all these scams are out there. So if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the Public Service Department or my office."

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North Adams Committee Rejects Changes to Airport Commission Ordinance

By Tammy Daniels iBerkshires Staff
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The General Government Committee is recommending the City Council reject a proposal for council approval of appointments to the Airport Commission.
The question had been raised after an appointment to the commission by Mayor Jennifer Macksey had come under fire at a council meeting. Macksey had withdrawn his name and appointed him without council approval, as laid out in the city charter. Prior to that, she had put forward all appointments to boards and committees for confirmation.
The 2-1 vote, with committee member Ashley Shade voting nay, came after a sometimes testy debate on Tuesday over whether the current language aligns with state and federal laws. 
The committee also recommended, again with Shade voting no, to not amend the ordinance to prohibit anyone with business at the airport from serving on the commission. Attorney Joel Bard of KP Law, the city solicitor, said state laws were in place to deal with the conflicts of interest on the independent commission that Shade sought to deter. 
"There's a whole apparatus at the state level to enforce the conflict of interest law. That's not self-enforcing, so if there is a violation that's occurring, somebody needs to bring it to the attention of the staff of the State Ethics Commission," Bard said, attending via Zoom. "There's a large state bureaucracy that enforces that law."
Shade had put forward the language she said would bring the ordinance in line with MGL Chapter 90, Section 51E that states airport commissioners "shall be appointed, in cities, by the mayor with the approval of the city council, and in towns by the selectmen." 
"It's this MGL provision that allowed us to establish an airport commission. Airport commissions did not exist before the charter, because this provision is what allows us to even have an airport commission," she said. "We should be following this provision in MGL to the exact letter of the law, because it is what allows us to even formulate and have the Airport Commission to run and operate."
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