Letter: Eight Weeks to Change the World

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To the Editor:

In just eight weeks you can vote to save our democracy, our planet, and your own personal freedoms. You have that power, and your choice is as simple as it is stark.

Vice President Kamala Harris offers a brighter future for your family — and all Americans — including a guarantee of reproductive freedoms, voting rights, civil rights, and an economy based on economic opportunity for all. A former prosecutor and attorney general, Kamala has the experience, backbone, and character to be president, to stand up for working families and to stand up to bullies, liars, cheats, and fraudsters at home and abroad.

Her opponent represents the darkest side of human nature. Promising to be a dictator on "Day One," he represents an America of continued chaos, violence, darkness, hate, fear, racism, continued carnage at our schools, stores, and places of worship — and a further widening of the gap between rich and poor. He is the un-American candidate.

In 1630, future Gov. John Winthrop and passengers on the Arbella left England for Massachusetts, intending to be an example for the rest of the world in rightful living. During the voyage Winthrop stated their purpose clearly: "We shall be as a shining city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us."

For almost 400 years — through a Civil War and two World Wars — America has been a beacon of hope, freedom, and democracy to the world. Your vote for Kamala Harris — just eight weeks from now — will ensure Winthrop’s vision continues both here in Massachusetts and throughout the nation at large.

Lee Harrison
Williamstown, Mass.



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Williamstown Looking into Electrical Issues at Motel

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — For the second time in four months, the inn and restaurant at 910 Cold Spring Road was discussed by the Board of Health.
This time, the inn was the topic of conversation.
Health Inspector Ruth Russell told the board on Monday morning that the town had received "a couple of complaints" about the guest rooms at the 1896 House.
In June, the 6 House Pub, which has the same owner as the motel, was before the board about a boil water order.
On Monday, Russell told the board guests at the inn reported complaints that fell under the board's purview as well as one that she referred to the town's wiring inspector.
No representatives of the 1896 House appeared during Monday morning's meeting. An attorney who represented the owner at June's meeting did not reply as of press time to a Monday morning email from iBerkshires.com seeking comment about the electrical issue.
Russell told the board that the inn had been notified both by email and registered letter about concerns with the building's electrical service.
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