Williamstown Select Board Commits ARPA Funds to Mount Greylock School District Project

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
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WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Select Board on Monday voted unanimously to allocate the rest of the town's American Rescue Plan Act funds toward a Mount Greylock Regional School District initiative to address bias-based incidents in the public schools.
On a vote of 4-0, with Jeffrey Johnson absent, the board agreed to contribute about $66,000 — what remains uncommitted from the town's original ARPA grant of about $2 million — as requested by the Mount Greylock School Committee.
Interim Superintendent Joseph Bergeron and School Committee Vice Chair Carolyn Greene, a Williamstown resident, attended the meeting at Town Hall to provide more details about a proposal that has developed from conversations of a group of district parents and caregivers and the administration.
"What you have before you is a proposal for highly structured work that we would like to bring a third party in to conduct to help do a review, recommend improvement for and see the School Committee to the point where we can have an action plan developed by the administration for improvement of the ways that the school district handles bias-based incidents, bullying incidents, Title IX-related incidents," Bergeron said.
"These are all areas of work within school districts that, one, are evolving very quickly and, two, are areas where larger school districts and school districts that have had dedicated staff in this kind of work for many years generally have more experience both in terms of volume of cases but also in terms of best practices and vision into the best ways to help our students and staff navigate difficult situations."
Bergeron said that, with the commitment from the Williamstown Select Board, the district would form an advisory committee including members of the parents group, district staff and School Committee members to develop a request for proposals to put out to consultants versed in this sort of work.
He said the RFP hopefully would be issued by the end of the summer, proposals could be returned in early fall and the work could begin in late fall or winter with the goal of presenting a report to the public in spring 2025.
In addition to the core work of reviewing the district's policies and procedures and recommending changes to its response to bias incidents, Bergeron laid out a number of other areas where Mount Greylock would like to receive guidance from a consultant if the budget allows.
"In addition to that work, there are some other areas, including how to best measure the progress we make as a school district around equity and belonging with our students, with our staff, with our community," he said. "And there are additional 'wonderful-to-haves' based on where proposals come back and costs lie, around how we communicate with our community, the types of communication, the moments of communication, the content of those communications. … Reviewing how we go about hiring and retaining our employees. 
"Finally, restorative practices. That's a phrase people often bat around, but the general idea is that when there is conflict or there are questions, the ways in which you bring parties together to restore relationships, to be able to move forward in ways that are productive, as opposed to punitive. Those types of practices are areas where we have been investing … but we really need to accelerate how we go about that, hopefully, again, input from a third party would help us understand our path and ways to improve it."
In answer to a question from the board, Bergeron said the anticipated cost of the consultant work would be in the "$80,000 to $100,000 type range."
He said some of that would depend on how the RFP is written and the extent to which the district asks consultants to spend time analyzing its current procedures as opposed to simply recommending best practices.
Bergeron said a $66,000 grant of ARPA funds from the town would be a boost to the district and that he would work on finding other sources to close the funding gap, if there was one, including, perhaps, reallocating funds budgeted for professional development and seeking private grant sources.
Board member Andrew Hogeland asked Bergeron whether Mount Greylock's other member town, Lanesborough, had been approached to help fund the initiative.
Bergeron explained that the district is treating the request for ARPA funds as a grant from the town of Williamstown, which would not require the expense to be allocated between the member towns, as expenses typically are under the terms of Mount Greylock's Regional Agreement.
"I know there are people in Lanesborough who would love to see this work come through," Bergeron said. "I think there are some ways to figure out how funding might be developed from the town of Lanesborough. But I can't speak at all for town hall itself or where, within its budget committee structure that might happen."
Hogeland said he would feel more comfortable if both member towns had a stake in the process.
"I'd like the question to be asked," he said. "It's this odd thing where it's a two-town school district. I don't want to have us fund the entire thing. I'd rather match that with whatever the school district has and whatever Lanesborough or private donors, institutions or private citizens may have.
"The work's got to be done. No doubt about that. I want to make sure we're not the sole funder of all this."
"Understood," Bergeron replied.

Tags: ARPA,   MGRSD,   racism,   

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Guest Column: Full Steam Ahead: Bringing Back the Northern Tier Passenger Railroad

by Thomas HuckansGuest Column

You only need a glance outside to see a problem all too familiar to Berkshire county: closing businesses, a shrinking population, and a stunning lack of regional investment.

But 70 years ago, this wasn't an issue. On the North Adams-Boston passenger rail line before the '60s, Berkshires residents could easily go to Boston and back in a day, and the region benefited from economic influx. But as cars supplanted trains, the Northern Tier was terminated, and now only freight trains regularly use the line.

We now have a wonderful opportunity to bring back passenger rail: Bill S.2054, sponsored by state Sen. Jo Comerford (D-Hampshire, Franklin, and Worcester), was passed to study the potential for restoring rail from Boston to North Adams. In the final phase of MassDOT's study, the project is acquiring increased support and momentum. The rail's value cannot be understated: it would serve the Berkshire region, the state, and the environment by reducing traffic congestion, fostering economic growth, and cutting carbon emissions. The best part? All of us can take action to push the project forward.

Importantly, the Northern Tier would combat the inequity in infrastructure investment between eastern and western Massachusetts. For decades, the state has poured money into Boston-area projects. Perhaps the most infamous example is the Big Dig, a car infrastructure investment subject to endless delays, problems, and scandals, sucking up $24.3 billion. Considering the economic stagnation in Western Massachusetts, the disparity couldn't come at a worse time: Berkshire County was the only county in Massachusetts to report an overall population loss in the latest census.

The Northern Tier could rectify that imbalance. During the construction phase alone, 4,000 jobs and $2.3 billion of economic output would be created. After that, the existence of passenger rail would encourage Bostonians to live farther outside the city. Overall, this could lead to a population increase and greater investment in communities nearby stops. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, adding rail travel options could help reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution along Route 2 and the MassPike.

The most viable plan would take under three hours from North Adams to Shelburne Falls, Greenfield, Athol, Gardner, Fitchburg, Porter, and North Station, and would cost just under $1.6 billion.

A common critique of the Northern Tier Rail Restoration is its price tag. However, the project would take advantage of the expansion of federal and state funds, namely through $80 billion the Department of Transportation has to allocate to transportation projects. Moreover, compared to similar rail projects (like the $4 billion planned southern Massachusetts East-West line), the Northern Tier would be remarkably cheap.

One advantage? There's no need to lay new tracks. Aside from certain track upgrades, the major construction for the Northern Tier would be stations and crossings, thus its remarkably short construction phase of two to four years. In comparison, the Hartford line, running from Hartford, Conn., to Springfield spans barely 30 miles, yet cost $750 million.

In contrast, the Northern Tier would stretch over 140 miles for just over double the price.

So what can we do? A key obstacle to the Northern Tier passing through MassDOT is its estimated ridership and projected economic and environmental benefits. All of these metrics are undercounted in the most recent study.

Crucially, many drivers don't use the route that MassDOT assumes in its models as the alternative to the rail line, Route 2. due to its congestion and windy roads. In fact, even as far west as Greenfield, navigation services will recommend drivers take I-90, increasing the vehicle miles traveled and the ensuing carbon footprint.

Seeking to capture the discrepancy, a student-led Northern Tier research team from Williams College has developed and distributed a driving survey, which has already shown more than half of Williams students take the interstate to Boston. Taking the survey is an excellent way to contribute, as all data (which is anonymous) will be sent to MassDOT to factor into their benefit-cost analysis. This link takes you to the 60-second survey.

Another way to help is to spread the word. Talk to local family, friends, and community members, raising awareness of the project's benefits for our region. Attend MassDOT online meetings, and send state legislators and local officials a short letter or email letting them know you support the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Project. If you feel especially motivated, the Williams Northern Tier Research team, in collaboration with the Center for Learning in Action (CLiA), would welcome support.

Living far from the powerbrokers in Boston, it's easy to feel powerless to make positive change for our greater community. But with your support, the Northern Tier Rail can become reality, bringing investment back to Berkshire County, making the world greener, and improving the lives of generations of western Massachusetts residents to come.

Thomas Huckans, class of 2026, is a political science and astronomy major at Williams College, originally from Bloomsburg, Pa.

Survey: This survey records driving patterns from Berkshire county to Boston, specifically route and time. It also captures interest in the restoration of the Northern Tier Passenger Rail. Filling out this survey is a massive help for the cause, and all responses are greatly appreciated. Use this link.

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