2024 Scholarships & Awards for the Lee High School Class of 2024

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LEE, Mass. — The following awards and scholarships were presented to the Lee High School class of 2024. 
Marjorie Wickham Memorial Scholarships: Grace Shepard, Maria Anaya
Henry T. Zukowski Memorial Scholarships: Korey Chen, Emily Holian, Shealynn Kelly, Shaun Kinney, Isabella Kotek, Conn LePrevost, Cooper Maloney, Taylor Salice, Autumn Schwab
Drs. Charles & James Stratton Memorial Scholarships: Shaelynn Kelly
Michael R. Coty Memorial Scholarship: Jackson Decker
Andrew J. Bartini Memorial Scholarship: Allen Ni
Eugenio Bonafin Memorial Scholarship, Class of 1936: Kali Ward
Comalli Electric Scholarship in Memory of James Mougin and George Comalli: Conn LePrevost
Scholarship in Memory of David Bailey: Jackson Decker
Janice 'Sissy' Curtin Scholarships: Isabella Kotek, Shaelynn Kelly, Connor Consolati, Tyler Bartini, Taylor 
Salice Scholarship in Memory of Mario Bona: Emily Holian
Pittsfield Cooperative Bank Conrad R. Bernier Memorial Scholarship: Jackson Decker, Taylor Salice
Class of 1977, In Memory of our Deceased Class Members: Conn LePrevost, Michael Lillie, Vincent Seward, Dev.Brock, Dayrahlin Deane
Lee Lions Club Scholarship: Cooper Maloney
Pease Memorial Scholarship: Maria Anaya
Minnie L. Baird Scholarship in Memory of Lena Beal: Arianne Resca,Kira Johnson
Mary Voght Memorial Scholarships: Allen Ni, Kira Johnson, Arianne Resca, Korey Chen, Isabella Kotek, Jackson Decker, Maria Anaya
Great Barrington Fish & Game Club, in Memory of Jesse Townsend: Shaelynn Kelly
Scholarship in Memory of Heather Helen Hawley: Kali Ward
Scholarship in Memory of Harry Wheeler: Angelina Williams
Ardella Donnell Memorial Award, Class of 1933: Conn LePrevost
Alba A.Pasco Memorial Scholarships: Taryn Bannon,Conner Consolati
Austen Riggs Erikson Institute Scholarship: Maria Anaya
Meg Cade Memorial Scholarship: Jackson Decker
Otis Scholarship Award: Zebulon Drenga
Bruce and John Stevenson Memorial Scholarship: Cooper Maloney
The Forfa Family Scholarship: Shaun Kinney
Lee Chamber of Commerce: Marie Toole Award: Shealynn Kelly; Joe Sorrentino Award: Emily Holian; Jerry LePrevost Trade Scholarship: Conn LePrevost; Bob Nason Community Award: Cooper Maloney
Scholarships given by Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hall Sr.: in memory of Lou DiGrigoli: Conner Consolati; in memory of Alan "Mickey" Sparks: Shaelynn Kelly; in memory of Gerald "Jerry" LePrevost: Conn LePrevost; in memory of Edward "Ed" Lahey: Cooper Maloney; in memory of Richard "Dick" Lindsay: Nicolas Resca
Robert Lucy Memorial Scholarships: Tyler Bartini,Taylor Salice
The Alan Wurtzbach Memorial Award Scholarship: Devon Brock,Chennea Hanson
Wildcat Scholarship: Aiden Smith, Marcello Del Re
Greylock Federal Credit Union Community Enrichment Scholarships: Kira Johnson, Cooper Maloney
Adams Community Bank Scholarship: Taryn Bannon, Nicolas Resca
Timothy Shepardson Sr. Memorial Scholarship: Shaun Kinney
Michael Salinetti & David Scarpa Sr. Memorial Scholarships: Tyler Bartini, Shaun Kinney
Honorable James P. Dohoney Scholarship Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Foundation: Allen Ni
Class of 1966 Scholarship: Shealynn Kelly
Kelly Lyn Coty Scholarship Fund: Conn LePrevost, Kali Ward
Hank Greiner Memorial Scholarship: Zeb Drenga
Peter D. Fraser Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Conn LePrevost
South Lee Fire Company Scholarships: Conn LePrevost, Shaun Kinney, Shaelynn Kelly
Scholarship in Memory of Joe Maley: Shaun Kinney
Kiwanis Club of Lee Inc. Scholarships: Shaelynn Kelly, Conn LePrevost, Donald Scaglione
Girls Soccer Booster Club Scholarships: Shealynn Kelly, Maria Anaya Gomez, Isabella Kotek
Evan Colbert Memorial Scholarship: Conn LePrevost
Lee Volleyball Booster Club Scholarships: Autumn Schwab, Shayla Santolin, Zoe Ozawa
Lee Central Volunteer Fire Company Scholarship: Shealynn Kelly,Conn LePrevost
Lee Gridiron Club Scholarships: Tyler Bartini, Shaun Kinney, Tanner Geoghan, Michael Lillie, Brian Coty, KyleKelly, Marcello Del Re
Boys Basketball Booster Scholarships: Tyler Bartini, Zebulon Drenga, Shaun Kinney, Michael Lillie
Lee Community Tennis Association Claire 'Bunnie' Lahey Scholarship: Cooper Maloney, Shaelynn Kelly
Lee Cross Country Booster Club Scholarships: Taryn Bannon,Devon Brock, Korey Chen, Maryi Jiminez, KiraJohnson
Lee Youth Soccer Scholarships: Cooper Maloney, Isabella Kotek, Conn LePrevost
Lenox Memorial High School Soccer Booster Club Scholarships: Cooper Maloney,Conn LePrevost
Lee Band Parents Scholarships: Devon Brock, Korey Chen,Jackson Decker, Kira Johnson, Allen Ni, Annie Pan
Lee Youth Football Scholarship: Tyler Bartini
Lee Retired Educators Scholarships: Jackson Decker,Isabella Kotek, Angelina Williams
Lee Land Trust Scholarship: Cooper Maloney
Lee Education Association Scholarships: Isabella Kotek
Katie Keenan and Thomas Dunn Scholarship Fund: Maria Anaya Gomez, Kira Johnson, Grace Shephard, IsabellaKotek, Emily Holian, Jackson Decker
Tyler Pressley Memorial Scholarship: Conn LePrevost, Michael Lillie
Scholarship in Memory of Marian & Richard Hawkey: Devon Brock
The Tate Riva Memorial Scholarship: Angeli Faggioni
The Millie Foundation Scholarship: Conn LePrevost
Richard C. Brunell Memorial Scholarship: Conn LePrevost, Shaun Kinney, Shaelynn Kelly
'Smile Like Jack' Scholarship in Memory of Jack O'Brien: Zebulon Drenga
The Chief Roosa Scholarship: Cooper Maloney, Emily Holian
The Locker Room Sports Pub Scholarship: Shealynn Kelly
Steven Brouker Memorial Scholarship: Emma Milton, Angelina Williams
Community Television of the Southern Berkshires Scholarship: Cooper Maloney
Dick Lindsay Memorial Scholarship: Shayla Santolin
AMVETS Post 77 Academic Scholarship: Angeli Faggioni
Thornton Kinney Memorial Scholarship: Cooper Maloney, Angeli Faggioni
Richard H. 'Rocky' Brighenti Memorial Scholarship: Shaun Kinney
Valedictorian: Allen Ni
Salutatorian: Kira Johnson
Superintendent's Award for Academic Excellence: Allen Ni
Principal's Award for Excellence: Cooper Maloney
Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award: Isabella Kotek
Senior Awards
In English: Christopher Rexford; in Math: Maria Anaya Gomez, Nicolas Resca; General Charles Lee Award in History: Christopher Rexford; in Science: Nicolas Resca, Kira Johnson; in Visual and Fine Arts: Angeli Faggioni, Kali Ward; in World Languages: Arianne Resca; in Carpentry: Conn LePrevost; in Digital Art: Arianne Resca; John Philip Sousa Band Award: Devon Brock; Award for Special Achievement in Music: Korey Chen

Tags: graduation 2024,   Lee High,   

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Great Barrington Arts Market Returns

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — The Great Barrington Arts Market (GBAM) Winter Market will take place at Saint James Place, located at 352 Main Street.
The market will feature products from 16 local and regional artisans.
The GBAM Winter Market provides an opportunity to purchase handmade items and support the local artist community. Ayakito Japanese Kitchen will be present at the market, offering Japanese rice balls, side dishes, and beverages.
The event is free to attend. Additional information can be found on Instagram and Facebook.
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