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Results of the vote on the flag article are displayed on a screen at Thursday's annual town meeting.
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The meeting in the Mount Greylock Regional School gym was attended by 295 registered voters.

Williamstown Town Meeting Passes Progress Pride Flag Bylaw Amendment

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
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Mount Greylock sophomore Jack Uhas addresses town meeting on Thursday as Select Board member Randal Fippinger looks on.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — By a ratio of nearly 2-to-1, town meeting Thursday passed a bylaw amendment to allow the Progress Pride flag to be flown on town flag poles.
The most heavily debated article of the 40 that were addressed by the meeting was decided on a vote of 175-90, amending a flag bylaw passed at last year's town meeting.
Mount Greylock Regional School sophomore Jack Uhas of the middle-high school's Gender Sexuality Alliance opened the discussion with a brief statement, telling the 295 voters who checked into the meeting that, "to many, the flag is a symbol that, in our town, they belong."
The speakers addressing the article fell roughly in line with the ultimate vote, with eight speaking in favor and four against passage.
Justin Adkins talked about his experience as, to his knowledge, the only out trans individual in the town of about 7,700 when he moved to Williamstown in 2007.
"Most people, when I moved here, had never met a trans person," Adkins said. "Today, that is not the case. Today, many people in this room are free to say who they are.
"LGBTQ-plus youth still face a world where their basic being is questioned and legislated. … Flying a flag is, really, the least we can do."
Adkins said there were many LGBTQ families and families with LGBTQ youth who moved to Williamstown or were thinking of moving to Williamstown because they think it is a welcoming community.
"They are watching us tonight," Adkins said.
At the opposing microphone, Luana Maroja argued that a bylaw amendment to allow the Progress Pride flag would open the door to a request to fly any number of "advocacy" flags on town property.
"I could reasonably propose we fly the 'Back the Blue' flag — no, I don't think that's a good idea, by the way," Maroja said. "But 'Free Palestine?' 'Black Lives Matter?' Atheist flags?
"We must keep in mind that ideological flags never have a single meaning."
Robert McCarthy told the meeting that in his 83 years in Williamstown he never had any issues with a lack of diversity. And he argued that the town flag poles should be reserved for "sacred" objects like the American flag.
"We don't need 37 flags flying from a flag pole or 87 flag poles in Williamstown," McCarthy said.
"You have the right — every single group in this town has the right to put up any flag you want. You can put it on your home, on your lawn, on your business. I encourage everyone who has an agenda to fly a flag. Let's keep the American flag, the POW/MIA flag alone, and if you want to fly your own flags, that's wonderful, but not on municipal poles."
Rabbi Rachel Barenblat spoke on behalf of members of her congregation, telling the meeting that, in fact, there are issues of diversity for vulnerable populations in town and the occasional flying of a Progress Pride flag would be one measure to address them.
"It's not a place where all of us can belong as fully as we want to, as fully as we should," Barenblat said. "Until we reach that day, I think there is value in flying the Progress Pride flag."
Most residents who attended the meeting — about 6.3 percent of the town's 4,7000 registered voters — agreed with Barenblat.
They also agreed, by more than a 2-to-1 margin, with the Planning Board, which earned passage of a zoning bylaw amendment that generated the second longest discussion of the evening.
The Cottage Housing Bylaw passed on a vote of 194-56, easily clearing the two-thirds margin needed to approve zoning bylaws.
Under the new law, clusters of four to 12 cottage-sized single-family homes will be allowed on a single residential lot in the General Residence district. The homes are limited to a footprint of 900 square feet and a total floor area of 1,575 square feet or 175 percent of the footprint, whichever is less.
"At a broad level, the purpose is to increase the supply of modestly priced housing in the General Residence district," Planning Board member Ken Kuttner told the meeting. "The dwellings are small, make more efficient use of scarce land, are intrinsically sustainable and promote a sense of community."
Kuttner explained that the bylaw, the result of a couple of years of discussion by the Planning Board, was modeled heavily on similar cottage court bylaws in other communities.
That opened the door to one of the bylaw amendment's critics.
"Cluster housing development may be desirable in Portland, Oregon … but it may not be desirable, or even welcome, here in Williamstown," Joyce Harsch said.
Paul Harsch argued that the small, densely developed homes would not achieve the affordability the Planning Board seeks.
"Housing will be built and sold to the highest bidder," Paul Harsch said. "I'm in the real estate business. I understand market forces. These houses will be built by developers looking to achieve the maximum return."
Paul Harsch also noted that the proposed bylaw amendment did not specify a time frame for building homes in a cottage court and argued that neighbors could be subjected to a nearby construction site for "12, 14, 16 years."
On the other hand, Bette Craig told the meeting that she recently had visited a successful cottage development in Arkansas and found it to be the kind of development the town should welcome.
"There was a community center, a laundry center, there were 12 individual houses, all slightly different, with porches, and the people seemed to be very happy to be living there," Craig said. "I think it would be a great thing to have in Williamstown."
Most of the articles on the warrant passed with either unanimous or overwhelming voice votes. Two articles that appeared on the warrant required no action from the meeting. The Conservation Commission, which submitted a warrant article regarding the Spruces Park, asked that the meeting take no action. A citizen's petition regarding a 1.2-acre town owned parcel had no one present to speak on its behalf.

Tags: annual town meeting,   fiscal 2025,   flags,   williamstown_budget,   

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Guest Column: Full Steam Ahead: Bringing Back the Northern Tier Passenger Railroad

by Thomas HuckansGuest Column

You only need a glance outside to see a problem all too familiar to Berkshire county: closing businesses, a shrinking population, and a stunning lack of regional investment.

But 70 years ago, this wasn't an issue. On the North Adams-Boston passenger rail line before the '60s, Berkshires residents could easily go to Boston and back in a day, and the region benefited from economic influx. But as cars supplanted trains, the Northern Tier was terminated, and now only freight trains regularly use the line.

We now have a wonderful opportunity to bring back passenger rail: Bill S.2054, sponsored by state Sen. Jo Comerford (D-Hampshire, Franklin, and Worcester), was passed to study the potential for restoring rail from Boston to North Adams. In the final phase of MassDOT's study, the project is acquiring increased support and momentum. The rail's value cannot be understated: it would serve the Berkshire region, the state, and the environment by reducing traffic congestion, fostering economic growth, and cutting carbon emissions. The best part? All of us can take action to push the project forward.

Importantly, the Northern Tier would combat the inequity in infrastructure investment between eastern and western Massachusetts. For decades, the state has poured money into Boston-area projects. Perhaps the most infamous example is the Big Dig, a car infrastructure investment subject to endless delays, problems, and scandals, sucking up $24.3 billion. Considering the economic stagnation in Western Massachusetts, the disparity couldn't come at a worse time: Berkshire County was the only county in Massachusetts to report an overall population loss in the latest census.

The Northern Tier could rectify that imbalance. During the construction phase alone, 4,000 jobs and $2.3 billion of economic output would be created. After that, the existence of passenger rail would encourage Bostonians to live farther outside the city. Overall, this could lead to a population increase and greater investment in communities nearby stops. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, adding rail travel options could help reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution along Route 2 and the MassPike.

The most viable plan would take under three hours from North Adams to Shelburne Falls, Greenfield, Athol, Gardner, Fitchburg, Porter, and North Station, and would cost just under $1.6 billion.

A common critique of the Northern Tier Rail Restoration is its price tag. However, the project would take advantage of the expansion of federal and state funds, namely through $80 billion the Department of Transportation has to allocate to transportation projects. Moreover, compared to similar rail projects (like the $4 billion planned southern Massachusetts East-West line), the Northern Tier would be remarkably cheap.

One advantage? There's no need to lay new tracks. Aside from certain track upgrades, the major construction for the Northern Tier would be stations and crossings, thus its remarkably short construction phase of two to four years. In comparison, the Hartford line, running from Hartford, Conn., to Springfield spans barely 30 miles, yet cost $750 million.

In contrast, the Northern Tier would stretch over 140 miles for just over double the price.

So what can we do? A key obstacle to the Northern Tier passing through MassDOT is its estimated ridership and projected economic and environmental benefits. All of these metrics are undercounted in the most recent study.

Crucially, many drivers don't use the route that MassDOT assumes in its models as the alternative to the rail line, Route 2. due to its congestion and windy roads. In fact, even as far west as Greenfield, navigation services will recommend drivers take I-90, increasing the vehicle miles traveled and the ensuing carbon footprint.

Seeking to capture the discrepancy, a student-led Northern Tier research team from Williams College has developed and distributed a driving survey, which has already shown more than half of Williams students take the interstate to Boston. Taking the survey is an excellent way to contribute, as all data (which is anonymous) will be sent to MassDOT to factor into their benefit-cost analysis. This link takes you to the 60-second survey.

Another way to help is to spread the word. Talk to local family, friends, and community members, raising awareness of the project's benefits for our region. Attend MassDOT online meetings, and send state legislators and local officials a short letter or email letting them know you support the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Project. If you feel especially motivated, the Williams Northern Tier Research team, in collaboration with the Center for Learning in Action (CLiA), would welcome support.

Living far from the powerbrokers in Boston, it's easy to feel powerless to make positive change for our greater community. But with your support, the Northern Tier Rail can become reality, bringing investment back to Berkshire County, making the world greener, and improving the lives of generations of western Massachusetts residents to come.

Thomas Huckans, class of 2026, is a political science and astronomy major at Williams College, originally from Bloomsburg, Pa.

Survey: This survey records driving patterns from Berkshire county to Boston, specifically route and time. It also captures interest in the restoration of the Northern Tier Passenger Rail. Filling out this survey is a massive help for the cause, and all responses are greatly appreciated. Use this link.

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