MassDEP Penalizes Berkshire Springs for Failing to Report Diesel Spill

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BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has penalized Berkshire Springs Holding Company, LLC, for failing to notify MassDEP of a September 2023 spill of diesel fuel at a service station in Pittsfield. 
Berkshire Springs is a bottler and distributor of spring water based in Southfield.
"It is critical that customers of gasoline and diesel fueling facilities diligently monitor their fueling operations to avoid spills of petroleum products that would negatively impact public safety and the environment," said Michael Gorski, director of MassDEP’s Western Regional Office in Springfield. "The cleanup has been completed, and today’s penalty sends a strong message that MassDEP will hold parties accountable for failing to provide notification of releases of petroleum to the environment." 
On September 12, 2023, MassDEP Emergency Response personnel were notified by the Pittsfield Fire Department of a spill of diesel fuel at the 480 West Housatonic Street service station. MassDEP staff responded and determined that a sudden release of diesel fuel, likely exceeding the reportable quantity of 10 gallons, occurred when a Berkshire Springs truck was being fueled.
MassDEP confirmed through review of video surveillance footage that the Berkshire Springs employee fueling the truck left the vehicle unattended while the pump was engaged. Although the driver was aware of the release, he left the station without notifying station personnel of the release. When station personnel were made aware of the release, they notified Pittsfield Fire and MassDEP. Initial containment of the spill was performed by the Pittsfield Fire Department and cleanup was arranged by the station operator, Global Partners LP. 
Although no waterways were affected by the spill, the release impacted an area measuring approximately 30 feet by 30 feet, including the station parking lot out to the public roadway and soil on the western side of the parking lot, and storm drains on the site.
MassDEP issued a penalty of $13,125 to Berkshire Springs.

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Residents Concerned About Injured Bear in Northwest Pittsfield

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Community members have rallied in concern over an injured bear wandering northwest Pittsfield into Lanesborough the last few days.

Since late last week, Ward 7 Councilor Rhonda Serre has received several calls about what appears to be a mama bear with a broken leg traveling near St. Joseph Cemetery to outer Hancock Road and Churchill Road with her cub. 

Home-security camera videos have also been posted to social media depicting the duo, including footage on a Lanesborough community Facebook page.

Serre is concerned about an injured bear being in a residential neighborhood, both for the safety of residents and the bear. She noted that as kind human beings, we have the responsibility of helping if possible and an injured bear is an angry bear.

"I would just like to find a way for her to be rehabbed and let back out into the wild," she said. "Because it's very obvious it's not just a little booboo on her foot."

MassWildlife's Black Bear Project leader Dave Wattles urged residents not to interfere, such as providing aid or food. He reported there is "really not a facility in the state" that can treat the bear but said they have an amazing ability to heal on their own.

"Unfortunately, there are a lot of vehicle collisions with bears where they end up with potentially a broken leg or a leg injury," he said. "Unfortunately, people also will shoot up bears for various reasons so there's a number of reasons that they can potentially have these injuries."

Serre has been contacted by seven or eight constituents showing pictures and videos of the bear, who is seen limping and not able to put pressure on her right front leg. She noted that they seem to have a pattern, during the day going up a hill in the area and then coming down.

"It seems like [her cub] is scavenging for her," she said. "She will lay down and he will go in and get the garbage bags."

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