The president of Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity this week expressed satisfaction after the state Department of Environmental Protection ruled on a proposed four-home subdivision off Summer Street.
In Berkshire County Berkshire Environmental Action Team was awarded $9,440 and Goodwill Industries of the Berkshires and Southern Vermont, Inc. was awarded $9,625.
The plan establishes a vision for the Department, focusing on solutions at the intersection of biodiversity, climate change, and environmental justice while advancing the priorities of the Healey-Driscoll Administration and Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA).
The grant program, administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), will utilize $7.5 million from the Volkswagen emissions fraud settlement and $4 million from the Climate Protection and Mitigation Expendable Trust (Climate Trust)
To celebrate Earth Week, the Healey-Driscoll Administration today announced that $600,000 in grants have been awarded to 10 regional or municipal wastewater utilities and systems across Massachusetts.
182 MTR, LLC must pay $5,750 of the assessed penalty, and MassDEP has agreed to suspend the remaining amount if the site wastewater system is brought into compliance and 182 MTR complies with the Commonwealth's wastewater regulations.
The original BMP and its first Amendment committed $40.7 million of Massachusetts' $75 million share of a national settlement to resolve a vehicle emissions cheating scandal by Volkswagen (VW).