Spectrum Cable Hearing Set in North Adams
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — A public hearing for the renewal of the cable television contract for four North Berkshire communities will be held on Wednesday, April 24, at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
The 10-year contract with Spectrum/Charter Communications will cover the city of North Adams and the towns of Adams, Cheshire and Clarksburg.
The hearing in Council Chambers is open to residents of all four communities. In-person attendance is encouraged but a remote option is available here via Zoom.
Topics covered during the hearing will include the future of cable-related community needs and interests (community television) and performance of the operator under the cable license. It does not include internet or other provided services.
The hearing is required under state law as part of the contract renewal process. Any documents or reports relating to the contract can be obtained through the governmental offices of each community.
Tags: cable television, public hearing,