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The 60-year-old Veterans Memorial Bridge will be the focus of a $750,000 feasibility study looking at ways to better connect aspects of the downtown.

Federal Grant Will Fund 'Reconnecting' Options for North Adams

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
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An image from the 2020 parking survey showing how the bridge and the gray areas (parking) tends to separate the city. 
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — A federally funded study of the downtown will have a singular charge: what to do with the Veterans Memorial Bridge. 
The bridge construction was part of an urban renewal project in the mid-1960s that leveled a large portion of the downtown and straightened and expanded Route 2.
"So what it's done over the years is it doesn't just present a physical separation between Mass MoCA and Main Street but it's created this narrative," said Jenny Wright, director of strategic communications and advancement at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. "It's a false narrative, that Mass MoCA and downtown are two different things. It's reinforced this us/them narrative."
Wright updated the Mass MoCA Commission on next steps for the $750,000 Reconnecting Communities grant the city was awarded in February. The application was a joint endeavor by the museum and city, through grants officer Carrie Burnett. 
The study will look at three options: repairs to the Veterans Memorial Bridge, developing an urban streetscape design that incorporates it, and removing it completely.   
"These are the scenarios that we've asked for in the study so that we have as wide a range of options to consider as possible, considering everything from cost to environmental impact to traffic flows to pedestrian flows, etc.," Wright said. 
The study is anticipated to provide scenarios for moving forward with ways to better connect the downtown area, including the museum. 
The projects done during urban renewal — including the overpasses and the Hoosic River flood control — were built for a different reality and a different priority, Wright said. 
"And so as they start to show their age, which they have, the question now becomes, how have the needs and priorities of the communities and do these interventions to help or hinder progress towards our goals?" she asked.
Judith Grinnell of the Hoosic River Revival noted that her organization was embarking on feasibility study as well. 
"We are stronger together and it's important that we work together," she said. "This river crosses the city in about eight different places, just within a three-quarters of a mile, so we need to talk about transportation and the river together."
Exactly how the grant will be implemented is still an unknown; an agreement isn't in hand yet and a webinar for grantees scheduled next week. 
Wright said the commission will get monthly updates, information will be posted on the city website and the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition will assist by hosting community information sessions. 
North Adams was one of only two communities in the state and 45 in the nation to receive the funding.
"For us to be one of the recipients of this is a huge accomplishment and, frankly, unexpected. It felt like a little bit of a Hail Mary," Wright said.
The decision to pursue the application came from renewed interest in the Vision 2030 master plan adopted in 2014. The plan was three years in the making and provided a guide to the community's goals and vision.
Commissioner Eric Kerns said it was an opportunity to bring together all the other studies done over the years and look at all the good ideas comprehensively.
"One of the issues that we're running up against is the city was designed in a different time when it had different priorities and different needs," he said, echoing Wright's comments. "And in order to support the work that we want to do now to evolve the city and move it forward, we kind of need to have the physical environment match and support that work."

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Colegrove Park Recognized as Top 10 School Statewide in Attendance

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff

Superintendent Barbara Malkas, left, Colegrove Principal Amy Meehan, Mayor Jennifer Macksey and Dean of Students Jonathan Slocum pose with the Celtics basketball award on Friday.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The Boston Celtics gave gold to Colegrove Park Elementary School on Friday for scoring in the top 10 schools for attendance statewide. The school saw its chronic absenteeism numbers drop by 11 percent last year. 
Tim Connor, assistant director for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's west and central district, arrived with a gold basketball signed by the champion team to reward the students for their achievement.
"An award like this doesn't come easy. It takes a lot of work from all of you, the students, the parents, and especially Ms. Meehan and her wonderful staff, so a big round of applause," said Mayor Jennifer Macksey, after leading the assembly in the gym to chants of "Colegrove rocks!" "I am so proud of this school and the community that all of you have built. So everyone should be really excited about today, and this is an excellent way to start your school."
Superintendent Barbara Malkas asked last year's fifth-graders at Colegrove to join her at the front of the gym for a special applause. 
"When we track attendance of all the students in the whole district, these students have the highest attendance rate, the lowest chronic absenteeism rate in the entire district," Malkas said. "While all Colegrove students have been recognized as attendance all-stars, these students led the way in being attendance all-stars, so let's give them one more round of applause."
Colegrove switched this year to house Grades 3 to 6, so some of the younger students who helped earn the award are now at Brayton Elementary. However, all three elementary schools open last year saw improvement in attendance. 
Schools statewide have been working to reduce chronic absenteeism — the percentage of students missing 10 percent of the school year, or 18 days — which peaked during the pandemic. 
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