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North Adams Hosting Route 2 Overpass Study Walks

The city of North Adams is hosting three community walks this week to solicit input on a study of the 60-year-old Central Artery project.

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Northern Berkshire EMS Awarded FEMA Grant

The competitive grant is part of a $15.78 Million fund awarded to emergency services across the state.

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Firm Chosen to Lead Study on 'Reconnecting' North Adams

Stoss Landscape Urbanism and its partners are charged with providing North Adams options for addressing the failing overpass to create a more connected and thriving downtown.

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Drury High School Life Skills Class Gets Bleed Training

If a medical emergency happens, Drury High students know how to "Stop the Bleed." They were trained in how to effectively use tourniquets, gauzes and bandages and when to use them based on the injury and its location on the body.

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North Adams Seeks Federal Grant to Repair Walnut Street Retaining Wall

The proposal is to reconstruct some of the dry-laid stone retaining with new cast-in-place concrete and to relocated the existing drainage and stabilize the slope. The runoff will be tied into the storm drainage system at the bottom along State Street.

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Berkshire DA's Office Receives $100K for Youth, Police Programs

The $99,933.99 Safer Communities Grant allocation includes $29,000 for youth programs in the county and more than $25,000 for the Berkshire County Task Force law enforcement overtime.

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Adams Gets Brownfield Assessment Grant for Route 8 Cleanup

The town of Adams has been selected to receive a $500,000 Brownfields Assessment Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to help assess properties in the Route 8 Corridor.

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Federal Grant Will Fund 'Reconnecting' Options for North Adams

The bridge construction was part of an urban renewal project in the mid-1960s that leveled a large portion of the downtown and straightened and expanded Route 2.