Violinist Francesca Anderegg To Play at South Berkshire Concert Series at Simon's Rock

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GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — On Saturday, April 23 at 7:30 pm, Francesca Anderegg will return to the Berkshires and Simon's Rock for a recital of music for violin and piano by women composers in the McConnell Auditorium of the Daniel Arts Center.  
The concert is free and open to the public. 
Reservations are recommended: and vaccination certificates and masks are required. 
Anderegg, who grew up in the Berkshires and has performed here frequently, will be accompanied by pianist Matthew McCright. Their program will include works by Clara Schumann, Gra`zyna Bacewicz, Hannah Lash, Jessie Montgomery, and also will include the Violin Sonata of Amy Beach.  For further information, call 413-528-7212.
Anderegg grew up in the Berkshires, hailing from a musical family. She earned her undergraduate degree at Harvard University and masters' and doctoral degrees from The Juilliard School, where her teachers included Robert Mann, Ronald Copes, and Naoko Tanaka. 
She is a laureate of the Corpus Christi Competition and winner of fellowships from both the McKnight Foundation and the Leonore Annenberg Fund. Her festival appearances include the Tanglewood Music Center, the National Music Festival, Music in the Vineyards, and Yellow Barn. An enthusiastic educator and mentor of young musicians, Anderegg is Associate Professor of Violin at St. Olaf College and has taught at Interlochen Center for the Arts. She has been an invited guest teacher at universities throughout the country and abroad.
Anderegg has a national and international reputation as a violinist with a special focus on Latin American repertoire and contemporary music. As a soloist, Ms. Anderegg has toured throughout Argentina and Brazil, performing a wide variety of contemporary and standard violin concerti with orchestras in the United States and South America. Since her Carnegie Hall debut performance in 2008, Ms. Anderegg has given solo recitals in national and international venues, including Brooklyn's National Sawdust, The Arts Club of Washington, the National Museum of Colombia in Bógota, and many others across the world. 
Her three solo albums have been featured on radio programs throughout the country
Ms. Anderegg's appearances include concerts at Chicago's Symphony Center and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York with Itzhak Perlman and members of the Perlman Music Program.
American pianist Matthew McCright has performed extensively throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific as piano soloist and chamber musician.
A native of Pennsylvania, McCright now resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is a member of the piano faculty of Carleton College. An accomplished recording artist, McCright has released six solo recordings; his most recent What is Left Behind on the Proper Canary label, as well as three albums on innova Records (Second Childhood, A Waltz through the Vapor, and Blender), the piano works of Gene Gutchë on Centaur Records, and the release on Albany Records of the piano music of Olivier Messiaen. His solo touring shows include Evening Preludes, The People's Music, Contemplations: The Music of Olivier Messiaen, Connecting Flights, There and Back Again, and Endurance.
McCright's festival participation includes Bang on a Can at MassMOCA, Printing House Festival of New Music (Dublin), Late Music Festival (UK), SEAMUS, Hampden-Sydney Chamber Music Festival, Engelbach-Hart, Kodály Institute, Perilous Night, Fringe, Bridge, Spark Festival of Electronic Music, SPLICE, Festival of Lakes, Rayuela, Oh My Ears, Source Song, Seward Arts, Zeitgeist Early Music, Duquesne University's Summer Music, Music 2000, CCM Village Opening, and Minnesota Composers Alliance, as well as programs for the American Composers Forum across the country. McCright completed his Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Piano Performance from the University of Minnesota, Master of Music Degree in Piano from the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati and earned his Bachelor of Music Degree in Piano Performance, Magna Cum Laude, from Westminster College. His past teachers include Lydia Artymiw, Lisa Moore, Nancy Zipay DeSalvo, and Richard Morris.

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Balance and Mobility Class Offered by Fairview Rehabilitation Department

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Balance and Mobility, a four-part health education program designed to help older individuals stay strong, mobile, and independent, will be offered by the Fairview Hospital Rehabilitation Department at Berkshire South Regional Community Center on four consecutive Thursdays starting on Sept 26 at 12 noon. To advance the health and wellness of the community, the program is free of charge.  
Falls are one of the leading causes of hospitalization among older adults. Each program will focus on one aspect of mobility and provide strategies and exercises to educate the community on fall prevention.  
Fairview's Director of Rehabilitation Services, Victoria Guy, PT, DPT, notes the purpose of the program is to raise awareness of the risks that are common in an aging community.  
"Our goal is to focus on tools and information that will help our community in preventing falls and show the importance of strengthening that they can do themselves each day that will help them avoid falls and related injuries," Guy said. 
To register, call (413) 854-9744 or email for more information.
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