No One Injured in Truck Collision That Closed Vermont Route 7

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POWNAL, Vt. — The northbound lane of Route 7 was closed for nearly seven hours on Saturday following a collision between a pickup and semi. No one was injured in the crash. 
According to state police, a 29-year-old Pownal man was driving his 2011 Ford F-150 southbound at about 11:30 a.m. near the intersection with Route 346 when he lost control in the slush and veered across two lanes to strike the driver's side of the 2004 Peterbilt heading north.
A snow storm that had moved into the region Friday night had left a mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain through Saturday, creating slushy and icy roads across the region.
Both drivers were wearing seat belts and neither required hospitalization. The Ford was totaled and Peterbilt incurred heavy frame damage.
State police were assisted on scene by Pownal Fire and Bennington Rural Fire Department. No charges were filed.

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Dalton to Discuss Town Manager Screening Committee

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Select Board voted to table the appointments of the Town Manager Screening Committee until March 24. 
It does plan to further discuss its formation at Monday's meeting.
The board was going to vote on appointments at its last meeting.  However, several residents expressed their concerns that the proposed list of members was not selected in an open or transparent manner.
The agenda for March 10 included appointing John Kelly, Gabrielle Taglieri, John Bartels, Deborah Merry, and Craig Wilbur to the screening committee. 
"This is a particularly important task because the town manager's the person with the greatest impact on our community," Finance Committee Chair William Drosehn said. 
The proposed selection of screening committee members did not occur during a public meeting, so, "I am very concerned [it] has not occurred in an open or transparent manner," he said. 
"The work of the search committee will impact every single voter and taxpayer in this town. The people of Dalton deserve and need to be able to trust this committee." 
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