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The town of Adams canceled the annual Halloween Parade, as seen as above, and is discouraging trick-or-treating. Instead, the town vehicles will drive through Adams distributing candy.

Adams Sets Halloween Protocol

By Jack GuerinoiBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — The town will bring a trick-or-treat to the kids of Adams this year, and town vehicles will drive through each precinct to distribute candy. 
Police Chief Troy Bacon rolled out the town's modified Halloween plans at Wednesday's Selectmen's meeting and instead of encouraging door-to-door trick-or-treat, town vehicles driven by town employees will distribute candy throughout the town.
"I think tonight we just want to get a consensus of what our plans for Halloween are," Town Administrator Jay Green said. "Everything that we do in 2020 seems to be somehow affected by COVID-19, and we do our best to offer some positivity in the town especially for our young ones."
On Tuesday, the state announced that there would be no state mandates for trick or treating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the state directed residents to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's guidance in regards to trick or treating during the pandemic.
Berkshire communities are determining how they will deal with door-to-door distribution of candy. North Adams is holding trick-or-treat and issued a list of cautions. Pittsfield also set hours and cautions but did discourage residents from trick or treating altogether. 
Town Administrator Jay Green said Bacon, the code enforcement officer, and the Board of Health over the past few weeks have met to discuss possible safe trick-or-treat options. Green referenced the CDC's guidance and noted door to door trick or treating is considered high risk.
After talking with other communities, Bacon said they developed a plan to utilize the Highway Department, the Fire Department, the Police Department, and the Forest Wardens who will drive through each precinct to hand out candy on Halloween.
"I can tell you that the town departments that I have asked to help are energetic, and they are excited about the event," Bacon said. "They want to help, and it brings some sense of normalcy and happiness to our community." 
Bacon said vehicles will be equipped with public address systems playing Halloween music. He said they will make multiple trips through the neighborhoods.
"Keep your windows open a little so you can hear the vehicles, and I don't anticipate doing one swap," he said. "We will be able to hit every street maybe multiple times so bear with us if you don't see us right away. We will get there." 
He said there will be two people in each vehicle so candy can be handed out on both sides fo the vehicle. He said volunteers will wear masks and gloves.
Green said this limits contact and is a far safer option than door-to-door trick-or-treat, especially with a large elderly population.
Bacon asked that the trick-or-treat hours be set from 5:30 to 7. He said he would like to wrap up before it gets too dark out.
The chief said there is a need for candy and donations are being accepted at the police station. He said candy must be factory sealed. He added that people can also donate money.
Bacon said he would rather have more candy than not enough.
Selectman Joseph Nowak said the town has always been supportive of its children. He said he has always received donations from local businesses.
Selectman Richard Blanchard asked if the town could outright ban door-to-door trick-or-treat and feared that kids may still attempt it.
Green said the town can only "strongly discourage" trick-or-treating. He said they can only ask residents to adhere to their recommendations but cannot control the decisions individuals will make.
"That is their choice but in terms of a townwide turn-your-lights-on and hit it, no not this year," he said. "This decision was made of the greater public good and safety."
Chairman of the Board of Health David Rhoads agreed and urged residents to also avoid Halloween parties or venture to other communities.
Rhoads did say the Board of Health will review the plan at the next meeting to give it their blessing, but he personally was supportive of it.

Tags: COVID-19,   Halloween,   trick-or-treat,   

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Berkshire Village Owners Owes Cheshire Back Taxes

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — In addition to residents complaints about Berkshire Village's deteriorating condition, the mobile home park also owes the town roughly $21,000 in back taxes.  
Town Administrator Jennifer Morse told the Board of Selectmen last week that she discovered tenants are paying $12 per month in personal property tax, which the ownership has not paid to the town for the past 18 months. 
"According to the email that I was given, Berkshire Village only owes 18 months. Prior ownership was paying," Morse said. 
The park's owners applied for a lodging permit with the health inspector, but Morse directed the inspector not to issue the permit until the town received payment.
"I have contacted ownership. I was able to get an email address and contacted ownership and let him know that this outstanding tax is due and that we need to have payment along with the $750 for their lodging permits as well," Morse said. 
The owners are supposed to turn in a sheet showing tenancy and amounts to the tax collector and Board of Health monthly "instead of yearly, or however it's been billed in the past. I'm really not sure," she said. 
"So, I did share that with him as well, and explained in my email what the process was, and asked him to call him so we could discuss, I have not heard from him yet." 
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