The meeting was held outside because of COVID-19 restrictions.
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — Voters on Wednesday authorized the Select Board to make payment in lieu of taxes agreements with two commercial solar arrays.
Only about 14 voters attended the special town meeting on the lawn of the Senior Center that also gave the Select Board the ability to start new employees at wage steps commensurate with their experience and education and approved the first step in making the town clerk and appointed position.
The town has been pushing the two solar arrays — one off West Cross Road and the other at the former North Adams Country Club — to make some form of payment. The town attempted to bill the arrays for personal property taxes but did not expect to receive anything because of state law.
"The law was so broadly written, okay, that it basically exempted anybody from having to pay taxes on solar arrays," explained Town Assessor Ross Vivori. "If you have solar on your home, it's exempt and that's not going to change. The problem is that law got applied for commercial arrays."
The commercial arrays do pay property taxes at the industrial rate because they are considered power generators. But unlike other commercial entities, they do not pay taxes on the arrays themselves and other equipment.
Another array on River Road has already entered into a PILOT agreement; the other two arrays have indicated they would be willing to do the same.
Asked what would happen if the state changed the law, Vivori was pessimistic that that would happen. There have been three failed attempts already, he said.
"I was on a Zoom meeting this morning, with 80 other assessors trying to build support with this thing. And I would hope that eventually it would get to the governor's desk at some point, and they approve it, and change that law," he said. "But I don't know if that'll ever happen in the near future. right now, it's kind of like we got a bird in the hand."
Passage of the articles will allow the town to negotiate with the arrays and enter into 20 years agreements. Vivori said the payments would be made quarterly.
"To sum up what Ross said, there's no free rides here anymore," said Select Board Chairman Ronald Boucher. "So, you know they're making money, they can easily give the town something back."
The pay scale amendment passed with one no vote. Select Board member Danielle Luchi explained it has been difficult to find job candidates because they drop out when they learn the pay.
"We've had some turnover down at Town Hall, and particularly the administrative assistant position we've been trying to fill, and it's just been hard finding quality candidates," she said. "Even though they have years and years of experience, you have to start them at number one. ...
"We would like to place them on the scale where we see they fit, of course, you know, keeping the taxpayers in mind."
The article passed with only one vote against; the article on appointing the town clerk passed with two against.
One voter, after learning the Select Board would appoint the clerk, said he was worried about nepotism in a small town in which everyone knew each other.
"I think the citizens of the town should vote for the town clerk," he said.
Voters hold up cards signifying their approval of an article.
Luchi said she understood his concern but it could work the same way in voting. The job would be posted and candidates vetted, with finalists being interviewed by the board, which would also oversee the position. The voter thought this was reasonable.
"The reason why we want to move it from an elected position to an appointed position is because currently the town clerk position, they are entitled to making their own hours," said Luchi.
That had been four hours a week but the Select Board didn't think that was serving the needs of the residents. If the position was appointed, the board could set the job's hours.
The town had considered making the position appointed along with the town treasurer/tax collector and accountant nearly a decade ago, but voters rejected the idea. The former town clerk resigned in July and temporary town clerk was appointed until the position can be permanently filled.
That can't happen until after the next town election because the change would also have to be ratified by ballot.
Officials also intimated the town clerk may have to take on other duties as well.
"As we move further down, you're gonna see a lot of different situations are going to combine because small towns are not going to be able to stand alone anymore," said Boucher. "We have to become smarter. ... by going to an appointed position, it opens the field up for a lot of quality individuals. So it's a win win."
The town has had to make do in recent years in trying to fill posts and volunteer boards. On Wednesday night, Boucher again stepped in as moderator because no one ran for the post. The administrative assistant retired several months ago and the board has struggled to replace her. The temporary town clerk, Paul McLatchy III, will be serving Clarksburg as well as fulfilling his town clerk and administrative assistant duties in Rowe.
"This town has never had a lot of people volunteer for the work in town," said longtime volunteer Ray Moulthrop. "They need to come to the realization either they start doing this or the town's getting annexed."
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Whatever happened to the Administrative assistant job that was posted in July? Several people we know applied for the job and still haven't heard a thing. The town should have the common curtesy to a least contact the applicants and update the status of the job.
Several candidates were interviewed on Wednesday afternoon; the post had been offered to a candidate last month but that did not work out. The board hopes to make an appointment next week.
DALTON, Mass. — The Central Berkshire Regional School Committee approved a gross final budget of $36,643,001 for fiscal 2026, an increase of 2.70 percent over this year.
The biggest cause of the increase is from insurances. The district's active health insurance premiums increased by 16 percent; retirees had an increase of 20 percent, and a 3 percent increase in dental, said Gregory Boino, director of finance and operations.
Another large increase was for special education transportation costs, which increased $135,000, "and it's just to meet the actual expenditures where we're living right now," Boino said.
The district's Special Education Out of District Tuition line decreased by $214,350 because students are aging out of those out-of-district placements, he said.
The Finance Committee also decreased the other post-employment benefits, or OPEB, amount by $350,000, so next year, the district will be funding it with $50,000, Boino said.
The Finance Committee discussed how there is a deep need for the community to petition the state to change Chapter 70 education aid and rural aid, School Committee member Paul Farella said prior to the budget update.
"The way that they work makes it extremely difficult for us to make a budget that is fair to towns when you have some that have high percentages of assessment and others with negative it can create a sticky situation," he said.
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