New Plastic Surgeon Joins SVMC

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BENNINGTON, Vt. — Southwestern Vermont Medical Center has welcomed plastic surgeon Dr. Gerald "Jerry" A. Drabyn to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Putnam Medical Group and SVMC.  He will see patients at SVMC Northshire Campus in Manchester, Vt., and at SVMC General Surgery in Bennington.

Dr. Drabyn is a board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has more than 35 years of experience. Surgeries provided include those on breasts, including reduction and augmentation; facial fractures; skin, including burns and scar revision; cosmetic procedures, like facelift, rhinoplasty, and mastopexy; and hands, for carpal tunnel.

Drabyn holds a doctor of medicine degree from Indiana University Medical School in Indianapolis. He completed both an internship and his general surgery residency at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis and his plastic surgery residency at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

He is a member of the American Medical Association, the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.

Dr. Drabyn joins doctors Gina Melissa Diaz, Simon Drew, Graham Moore and Charles Salem at SVMC General Surgery, located in suite 205 of the Medical Office Building at 140 Hospital Drive in Bennington. For more information or to make an appointment in Bennington or at SVMC Northshire Campus in Manchester, Vt., call 802-447-5060.

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Dalton to Discuss Town Manager Screening Committee

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Select Board voted to table the appointments of the Town Manager Screening Committee until March 24. 
It does plan to further discuss its formation at Monday's meeting.
The board was going to vote on appointments at its last meeting.  However, several residents expressed their concerns that the proposed list of members was not selected in an open or transparent manner.
The agenda for March 10 included appointing John Kelly, Gabrielle Taglieri, John Bartels, Deborah Merry, and Craig Wilbur to the screening committee. 
"This is a particularly important task because the town manager's the person with the greatest impact on our community," Finance Committee Chair William Drosehn said. 
The proposed selection of screening committee members did not occur during a public meeting, so, "I am very concerned [it] has not occurred in an open or transparent manner," he said. 
"The work of the search committee will impact every single voter and taxpayer in this town. The people of Dalton deserve and need to be able to trust this committee." 
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