Lenox Library's Gingerbread Contest Seeks Entries

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LENOX, Mass. — The Lenox Library is hosting the 9th annual Gingerbread House Competition and Silent Auction on Dec. 11 Sunday, Dec. 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. The library is looking for participants for the family-friendly event that is for all ages, with prizes to be awarded in professional and non-professional categories.

Sponsored by the Lenox Chamber of Commerce, this year's theme is "Berkshire Gingerbread Houses," and will include edible entries by professional chefs, groups of all ages and individuals. A panel of judges will announce prizes in all three categories, and the public will award People's Choice prizes in all categories as well. All entries submitted will be sold by silent auction at the event, with proceeds to assist the library services that bring books, information and family programs to downtown Lenox.
Hilltown Families called this event, "a great opportunity for families to spend time together in free, creative play- working together as a team and practicing culinary, math and architectural skills." For further information about entering the competition, stop by the main desk of the library or contact the library at 413-637-2630 or info@lenoxlib.org.
If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

Morris Elementary School Wins Exemplary Reading Program Award

LENOX, Mass. — Morris Elementary School has received the Exemplary Reading Program Award from the Massachusetts Reading Association (MRA), Superintendent William Collins, and Principal Brenda Kelley announced.
"On behalf of everyone at Morris Elementary, we are thrilled to have received this honor," Kelley said. "Literacy is an essential part of student development and a priority at our school. To be honored in this way is a testament to our community's dedication to the growth of our students and the future of our society. Thank you to the Massachusetts Reading Association and the Committee for seeing what Morris brings to the table."   
The Exemplary Reading Program Award recognizes outstanding reading and language arts programs at all grade levels across Massachusetts. The award program aims to improve societal literacy, recognize schools with excellent reading and literacy programs, encourage program development and refinement, highlight noteworthy efforts, and share information about high-quality programs to help educators improve instruction.
Literacy programs chosen for recognition must demonstrate the following:
  • Alignment with sound theory, research, and practice.
  • Access to diverse literacy and multimedia formats.
  • Student success in reading.
  • Comprehension strategies taught and applied across the curriculum.
  • Integration of all literacies into the reading program.
  • Administrator and teacher leadership for the reading program.
  • An effective Multi-Tiered System of Support.
  • Community involvement in the reading program.
After reviewing the school's application and conducting a site visit, the Award Committee voted unanimously to honor Morris Elementary.
Morris Elementary will be recognized at the MRA's 54th Annual Conference in Boston next month and receive a commemorative banner.
"It is gratifying for the state's reading association to recognize what we in Lenox already knew, and that is—Morris is a great place to learn," Collins said.
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