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Adams Raises Transfer Station Permits

Community Development Director Eammon Coughlin gave an update on the repaving of Park Street expected to start in mid-June.

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Dalton Considers Reorganizing Transfer Station

Town Manager Thomas Hutcheson showed the board a list of proposed money articles for town meeting in May.

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North Adams Raises Transfer Station Fees

The fees at the transfer station are based on costs of labor and disposal of waste, which has continued to rise. The city budgeted $136,000 more for waste removal this fiscal year.

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Pittsfield ZBA Grants Casella Permit for Waste Transfer Facility

Concerns that were voiced about the project include odor and impacts to the surrounding area but Casella says the new operation will be less of an impact than the former.

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Adams Increases Transfer Station, Cemetery Fees

The Selectmen last week voted to raise fees at the transfer station and to implement cemetery fees first proposed two years ago.

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Dalton Looks to Increase Revenues at Transfer Station

Although the subsidy has increased, the transfer station is able to offer more services which is something that they should celebrate, Select Board Chair Joseph Diver said.