Committee members limited the number of properties for the feasibility study review to four but will include a provision in its request for quotes to have a price for evaluating additional properties if that becomes needed.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Committee has agreed to delay deciding on the Town Hall lift until more information is available about the future of the police station.
The Public Safety Facility Advisory Committee is requesting a Special Town meeting to ask voters to approve allocating $100,000 for a feasibility study and grant writing.
Building and Grounds Superintendent Jeff Burch updated the board during the Select Board meeting on Monday on the work being done to improve the conditions of the Town Hall basement where the police station is located.
The town needs to address safety issues within the police station, including plumbing, mold, ventilation, mice, water damage, heating, and cell damage.
Select Board members voted to freeze American Rescue Plan Act fund spending until the next meeting when Building and Grounds Superintendent Jeff Burch will have a better idea of the cost of repairs.
There's a lobby for the public, separate offices for personnel, a sally port, men's and women's locker rooms, new lockups, climate control for the electronics, security for evidence, and a large training room with kitchenette with an eye toward community events. And lots and lots of space.
Voters shot down a proposed $5.9 million public safety complex 139-214 on Thursday. They did approve nine other articles on the warrant, including accepting $150,000 from the Baker Hill Road District to purchase the land where the police and ambulance station would have been located.
On Tuesday the panel OKed applicable articles for the Special Town Meeting on March 9, one of which is to raise and appropriate, transfer, and/or borrow $5,989,100 for a new public safety complex at 405 South Main Street.
JMJ RE Holdings LLC and JMJ Holdings Corp., which will soon be taking the title of the mall, sent a letter to the board offering space for police and emergency medical services in its proposed cannabis campus.
Residents virtually queried planners on Tuesday at the first of three public hearings scheduled before a March 9 vote that will determine the fate of the proposed $5.9 million public safety building.
The new estimated cost for the town's proposed combined police and ambulance facility is $5.9 million, which is lower than what the committee expected for the project.
Mayor Jennifer Macksey informed the City Council on Tuesday night that she had signed an agreement with Scarafoni & Associates, owner of the Berkshire Plaza, to relocate the police force temporarily to the building off Main Street.
The Police Station Committee reviewed a new design proposal for the combined police and ambulance facility, with hopes that residents can vote on the project at the special town meeting in January.