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AT&T Plans Temporary Relocation of Antenna During Waste Facility Redevelopment

AT&T must move its wireless facility from a smokestack to a temporary free-standing structure to maintain coverage while the former trash incinerator facility is being redeveloped,

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Pittsfield City Council Asks for Assistance With Cell Tower Concerns

The City Council on Tuesday passed three petitions asking multiple state and local entities to look into the possible effects of cell tower radiation.

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Letter: Lenox Planners Should Consider Residents in Cell-Tower Siting Bylaw

Private litigation may or may not be more affordable for those on Delafield Drive, whose closest property line is 250 feet from a hypothetically proposed cell tower at the wastewater treatment facility, a site that was identified to offer additional coverage to Lenox Dale.

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Pittsfield City Council to Revisit Cell Tower Conversation Next Week

The cell tower conversation will pick up again next week with City Council agenda items from Ward 4 Councilor James Conant and Ward 1 Councilor Kenneth Warren.

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Pittsfield Residents File New Litigation Over Cell Tower

On Wednesday, they filed a suit to disqualify Donovan O'Connor & Dodig law firm from representing the city and a request for default after the defendants did not answer a suit filed in July.

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Pittsfield Cell Tower Opponents Turn to Supreme Judicial Court

In April 2020, the abuttors filed a complaint in Berkshire Superior Court trying to annul the Zoning Board of Appeals' approval of the tower and seeking a new ZBA hearing. They claimed that notification was not received through the mail.

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Pittsfield Board of Health Considers Subcommittees

Last week, the board's newest member, Dr. Jeffrey Leppo, a cardiologist, suggested the implementation of subcommittees for topics such as housing, opioid settlement, RF radiation, and community health.

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Shacktown Residents File Suit Against Pittsfield Over Cell Tower

Residents of the Shacktown neighborhood have filed litigation against the city after its cease and desist order for the Verizon cell tower at 877 South St. was rescinded.