EPA Completes Review of Rose Disposal Pit

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LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed required comprehensive site cleanup reviews, known as "five-year reviews," of 12 Superfund sites on the National Priority List across Massachusetts. 
This includes the Rose Disposal Pit in Lanesborough.
The Rose Disposal Pit site is a 1-acre area contaminated with waste oils, solvents, and hazardous materials disposed of by General Electric from 1951 to 1959. In 1980, the site was found to contain 15,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil and two plumes of polluted groundwater. Since then, various measures have been taken to address the contamination, including soil removal, groundwater treatment, and the establishment of long-term protective systems.
The EPA has conducted multiple five-year reviews to ensure that the site's cleanup efforts remain protective of human health and the environment. The most recent review confirmed that the ongoing groundwater treatment continues to meet safety standards. Additionally, institutional controls, such as zoning restrictions, have been placed on the property to limit land use and protect the integrity of the cleanup.
The site has undergone significant remediation, including providing an alternate water supply to affected residents, treating contaminated soil and groundwater, and treating nearby surface water and sediments. All construction activities were completed by 1994, and groundwater treatment will continue until cleanup levels are met. The EPA requires ongoing monitoring and enforces activity restrictions to safeguard the site.
As required by law, EPA conducts reviews at Superfund sites after cleanup remedies have been implemented every five years. This comprehensive review of previous work helps ensure that EPA continues to evaluate the performance of cleanup efforts and determines whether any further action to protect human health or the environment is required. 
The Superfund program, a federal program established by Congress in 1980, investigates and cleans up the most complex, uncontrolled, or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the country and endeavors to facilitate activities to return them to productive use. 
Throughout the process of designing and constructing a cleanup at a hazardous waste site, EPA's primary goal is to protect public health and the environment. At many sites, EPA continues to ensure it remains true to EPA's mission, by requiring cleanup reviews every five years. It is important for EPA to regularly check on these sites to ensure the cleanup remedy is working properly. These reviews identify issues (if any) that may affect the protectiveness of the completed remedy and, if necessary, recommend action(s) necessary to address them. 
There are many phases of the Superfund cleanup process including considering future use and redevelopment at sites and conducting post cleanup monitoring of sites. 

Tags: EPA,   

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Lanesborough to Negotiate New HCA With Only Dispensary

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. Due to evolving state regulations, the town must settle on a new or amended host community agreement with its only dispensary.
On Monday, Feb. 24, the Select Board voted to allow Town Administrator Gina Dario to work with counsel towards a resolution.  Dario felt that both parties were willing to come up with a practical solution.
Liberty Market, located on North Main Street, has requested a new host community agreement or host community agreement waiver in lieu thereof.  The town was sent a notice of non-compliance from the Cannabis Control Commission in January.
"The discussion for the Select Board is whether or not to proceed with either a redrafting of the current host community agreement or a re-negotiation of a new host community agreement that uses a more prescriptive template that is being provided by The Cannabis Control Commission," Dario explained.
A couple of years ago, the Canabis Control Commission (CCC) approved changes to the state's adult and medical use regulations including policies that implement the agency's oversight of host community agreements, new equity requirements, and suitability reform.
"The Cannabis Control Commission is taking the position that changes to the cannabis laws which went into effect in November of 2022 are retroactive and affect pre-existing agreements, such as the one that the town has with Liberty Market," Attorney Nicole Costanzo said.
"Of course, there are some novel legal issues presented as to whether or not the legislative changes do retroactively affect pre-existing host community agreements. It's my understanding that the town does want to work with Liberty Market nevertheless and try and get them a "compliant" agreement for purposes of the Cannabis Control Commission issuing them a license renewal to move forward."
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