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William Bohmer George, 29

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — William "Billy" Bohmer George passed away Thursday, May 19, 2022.

He was born in North Adams on Jan. 13, 1993, to Fredric L George and Kathleen Bohmer George.

Billy was known for his unique sense of humor. He knew how to get people laughing so hard it would bring tears. He often joined in these "laugh cries" as he retold stories that he always made better with a little elaboration and droll. He excelled at pranking family members but was also amused to be the subject of others' pranking. You could never walk in front of his parked car without him laying on the horn to scare you out of your wits. While he could find humor in any situation, Billy understood the depth and range of his life while he was here. He wrote short essays and poems while majoring in English at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His writing told stories of nostalgia and seeking truth. He used writing as a way to articulate his emotions, that at times were difficult to face.

Billy had a great love for food and cooking. His love of cooking began while working as a line cook at Mezze. He enjoyed learning about "nose to tail" cooking and how to make the most use of an animal and all ingredients. Billy often cooked Lebanese food for, and with his family. While he never mastered the perfect wrap on a stuffed grape leaf, he was a master at tabouli, always knowing that there is no such thing as too much lemon.

Billy was a creative soul. Aside from writing and cooking, he enjoyed playing guitar. He listened to many different types of music for inspiration and wrote music himself as well. He had a collection of string instruments ranging from a ukulele to a banjo, all of which he dabbled in.

Billy struggled with addiction and mental illness since he was a child. He chose to end his own life. Our hearts are broken to see a life only half lived, a life where there was struggle. We know, however, that he is no longer in pain, and is now part of the harmony of life, rather than the dissonance. Billy is part of the way things come together perfectly in nature, so that life can continue. Nothing ever ends, only changes from.

He is survived by his mother, Kathleen George, sisters Sarah George and Kira Guidon, all of Williamstown; his sister Christina Guidon-Lane of Charleston, S.C.; a nephew, Cade Morrell, and a niece, Rowan Holland.

He was predeceased by his father, Fredric George, grandparents Fred and Helen George and William and Joan Bohmer.

FUNERAL NOTICE: Calling hours at Flynn Dagnoli Funeral Home, West Chapels, 521 West Main St., North Adams will be Thursday, May 26, from 5 to 7 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Billy's memory may be made to the Berkshire School of Music or the Berkshire Humane Society. To add to the Book of Memories, please visit

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Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
Post Comment
So sorry to learn of your loss.
from: Bill and Pat GIRARDon: 06-27-2022

So many hearts ache for you, Kathi, Kira, Christina, Sarah and all of the George family. Dave and I send our sincerest condolences. Praying for comfort and peace.
from: David and Brenda Wilsonon: 05-26-2022

Dear Kathi and girls and all of your family,
I don't even know what to say except that I am so very sorry for this devastating loss of Billy. Please hold on to all those wonderful memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
from: Julieann HASKINSon: 05-25-2022

Kathy and Family,
I am very sorry to hear about Billy’s passing. I hope you all can seek solace in knowing that he is back with Fred playing jokes on one another while smiling and looking over you and the girls!!
from: Jordan Elyon: 05-25-2022

Devastating news. So very sorry, but appreciative of the thoughtful description of Billy’s life and sense of humor. Hugs to all of you!
from: Susan and Bill Schneskion: 05-25-2022

Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear of your tremendous loss. Sending love.
from: Beth Phelpson: 05-25-2022

Kathy, Kira and family, my deepest sympathies and love to all of you. What a beautiful tribute to your son, brother and friend.
from: Barbara Winslowon: 05-25-2022

Kathy and family, I am so incredibly sorry to hear of Billy's passing. While I did not know him personally, I remember Fred proudly talking about him on many occasions while we ate breakfast at "Donna's". He was clearly a special man who was greatly loved and admired by his family and friends. Sending love and positive thoughts to all of you at this difficult time.
from: Amanda Belangeron: 05-25-2022

A most beautifully written piece reflecting a life of many interests, joy and laughter for so many… may these memories bring you comfort and an occasional smile as you grieve your loss~ thinking of you all with many hugs tightly wrapped around you…
from: Cheryl Lefaveon: 05-24-2022

Kathy and family
Ian and I were so sorry to hear about Billy's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are we with you during this difficult time. May he rest in peace with his dad and grandparents. May all of the good memories help you to heal.
Love Carole and Ian Foist
from: Carole A. Foiston: 05-24-2022

Billy not only were you a great friend your passion for everything you loved was an inspiration to me and so many others I will truly miss you. I love you buddy. My deepest condolences to the family. Prayers and love go out to you all!!
from: Dana osowski on: 05-24-2022

Kathy so sorry for your loss I cannot imagine what you are going through Our prayers and love are in are hearts
from: Mario and Teri Alcaroon: 05-24-2022

This was a beautiful tribute to a lovely young man. I hope u find comfort in the memories u made and oneness of the universe.💜
from: Crystal Bon: 05-24-2022

Kathy and family, It sadden me to hear of Billy’s passing but reflected on the times of interactions with our families. I hope all those great memories help you through these difficult times and now being safe in his father’s arms.
God Bless
from: Tom Mahar and familyon: 05-24-2022

To the entire George/Guidon Family, I extend my deepest condolences. I did not know Billy personally but certainly have heard so much about his many talents and comedic roles. People who make people laugh are very "special people".
from: Linda Perry (Collyer)on: 05-24-2022

I will forever hold our memories of listening to music together, laughing endlessly, and of him being the best friend to talk to. A friend gone too soon. My condolences to the entire George family and everyone who was simply special enough to truly know him. x
from: Suz Garciaon: 05-24-2022

Kathy, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, it sounds that Billy made a lot of people smile.. My sincere condolences.

Patrick Quinn
from: Patrick Quinnon: 05-24-2022

My deepest sympathy to the George family. I didn't know Billy personally but I grew up with his Dad ,Aunts and Uncles and of course his paternal grandparents. I believe he is dancing in the sky playing his instruments. May he be at peace until we all meet again on The Stairway To Heaven. With love
from: Cindy (Pecor) Schneider on: 05-24-2022

Our deepest condolences. I grew up with Freddie and his family.
from: David Peterson: 05-24-2022

Dear Kathy, Kira, Christina, and Sarah, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I'm sending so much love.
from: Nikki Wilson (Grant)on: 05-24-2022

kathy, I am so sorry for the loss of your son! May your memories bring you smiles during this sad time. My prayers are being said for your family.
from: Maureen Mooreon: 05-23-2022

Kathi and family; I am so very sorry for your loss and the difficulty in going through this very hard time. May Billy’s sweet smile and memories of his amazing talents help guide you and bring you peace. Love and my deepest sympathy to you all.
from: Susan Kirby on: 05-23-2022

A loving and lovable young man. We spoke several times over this passed year. His insights and deep thinking astounded me. I remember traveling to Cancun with Billy and our families many years ago. Fun loving and highly intelligent. A heart breaking loss. I believe that he is with Fred exchanging much comfort and laughter..
from: Alan Georgeon: 05-23-2022

Kathy and family… I’m so very sorry to hear this news. May he Rest In Peace . Prayers to you all 🙏🏻😔😢💞
from: Wendy L’Heureuxon: 05-23-2022

How I will miss your smile… it was contagious and lit up everything around us. Talented, sweet and so unique… although your journey was a difficult one you didn’t make it known…play your music with the angels sweet boy and please encompass yourself in the peace you so deserve. Although our hearts are broken, you will live on in those of us who loved you most😢🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️May the love of Jesus wrap you tightly in His arms.
from: Michele Bolandon: 05-23-2022
