For any containers that are unable to be collected this week, the city asks residents to place them at the curb for pickup on your designated collection day next week.
On Tuesday, the City Council approved a residential tax rate of $17.94 per $1,000 of valuation and a commercial, industrial, and personal property tax rate of $37.96 per $1,000 of valuation.
The City Council on Tuesday voted to maintain the split tax shift, resulting in a drop in the residential and commercial tax rates. However, higher property values also mean a $222 higher tax bill.
With the help of federal and state funds, the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is trying to make streets safe and equitable for all modes of transportation.
The lecture will be preceded by a 6 p.m. reception celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Center for Resourceful Living, a program started by Professor Vadnais.
The seven-member committee has three vacancies and more members would allow it to be more efficient in managing the Pines as well as strengthen its efforts.
Spending time in nature has great benefits to the emotional well-being of people, and it would be a shame to take that from our fellow North Adams residents.