Letter: Stop the Notch Reservoir logging project

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To the Editor:

As a lifelong resident of the Berkshires and current MCLA student, I have come to possess a great fondness for the nature intertwined within our towns and cities. Even as a person who generally gravitates towards the indoor side of life, I believe we strike a fine balance between natural land and industry here in Western Massachusetts. One needs little more than to look around at wonderful mountain forests that surround us to realize the beauty at hand. It saddens me greatly, then, to see our governing bodies propose plans to disrupt this balance, and tear away our beautiful scenic views.

Currently, there is a proposed logging project that will target nature trails surrounding the Notch reservoir, destroying a middle and old growth forest with the intent to replace it with one that will promote better long-term water quality. However, this seems not to take into account the immediate effects such a project will have on our current water supply; more importantly, the destruction of such a long-standing and untouched pocket of natural land will be a detrimental blow to both the many animals that inhabit the space, as well as the people who enjoy it as a hiking trail. Spending time in nature has great benefits to the emotional well-being of people, and it would be a shame to take that from our fellow North Adams residents.

The solution is quite simple: We do not want this logging project to proceed. Mayor Macksey has already postponed the project due to community efforts by the "Friends of the Notch Forest" group, but it can be reinstated at any time. Our mayor has demonstrated she is willing to listen, so in order to ensure our voices continue to be heard, we should write Mayor Macksey and urge her to stop the project altogether.

If you want to protect our beloved forest, you can contact Mayor Macksey at mayormacksey@northadams-ma.gov.

Julian Rocca Killela
North Adams, Mass.




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McCann Tech Hockey Program Hosting Alumni Game

iBerkshires.com Sports
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. -- The North County high school hockey cooperative program is inviting former players to participate in the fourth annual alumni game on Sunday, Feb. 23.
The game will be played at 4 p.m. at the Peter W. Foote Vietnam Veterans Memorial Rink.
The co-op, currently hosted by McCann Tech, also includes players from Hoosac Valley, Mount Greylock and Drury.
Tickets to the event are $10 and include the opportunity to skate with the players after the contest.
The cost for players is $40. Alumni interested in playing can visit here.


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