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Youth Commission co-Chair Vane Jacobs gives the City Council an update on the commission's goals on Tuesday.

North Adams Council Gets Update on Youth Commission, OKs Police Grant

By Tammy Daniels iBerkshires Staff
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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The revived Youth Commission is hoping to be more proactive in focusing on the needs of the city's younger population. 
"Our current focuses at the moment are to reset our mission statements, from the last in statement of the Youth Mission, which was simply more of a reactive board, to when City Council needed approval and advisement on youth-related legislation," the commission's co-Chair Vane Jacobs told the councilors at their Tuesday meeting. "Our goal, coming back into the commission, is to become a proactive board with the goal to advance infrastructure and activities for the youth of North Adams and Northern Berkshire."
Jacobs, the youth co-chair, had been asked to present information on the objectives of the commission by Mayor Jennifer Macksey, who did not attend the meeting. 
The long-dormant commission was resurrected last year, with its organizational meeting held in July. Jacobs was voted as the youth chair and Cody Chamberlain, a member of the School Committee, as the adult chair. 
The commission was first established in 2010 and updated 2021 as a way for the city's youth to communicate with and advise the City Council and mayor. It consists of nine voting members, of which six must be between the ages of 13 and 22, and three adults. They are appointed by the mayor with approval of the council. 
"We are trying our best to focus on the future, instead of staying on the past and the present," said Jacobs. "The duty of the adult members to assist the youth members on the political buzzwords and the political environment, even at such a small scale."
The commission is working on grant writing to access some opportunities and activities for the city's youth, especially during the summer months. 
There are currently two youth vacancies on the commission. Anyone interested in serving can find more information and the city's online application here. Additional questions can be directed at the mayor's office at 413-662-3000. 
The council also accepted a federal Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the
amount of$11,636 to purchase equipment and technology for the Police Department's training and community room.
Interim Police Chief Mark Bailey said the department used the Byrne grant it got last year to purchase traffic cones and safety equipment and a trailer to store and haul it. This year, he said, "We're asking to use that money to create a higher-tech infrastructure within our community room."
The conference room started out with a wall projector and advanced to a large television acquired from a drug raid. 
"Now we have a TV, but the wires are just hanging from the TV. So if somebody comes in there and they want to do a presentation, they have to bring their laptops and hook up to the TV," he said. "With this grant, we wanted to use this grant to really increase the conference room's use."
The large meeting room is used for training for both the Police and Fire Departments and by the City Yard. It's also used for the community police academy and as a hub for Northern Berkshire responders during major incidents. 
"So the allocation of this money ... would really increase the technology of the conference room," he said. "It's really going to not only help us, help out Northern Berkshire County immensely."
The funds will need one more approval by council before the equipment can be ordered. 
In other business, Council President Bryan Sapienza read a proclamation declaring February as Black History Month on the mayor's behalf.  
"Whereas the theme for Black History Month 2025 is African Americans in the arts, highlights profound influence of black artists, musicians, writers and performers in shaping cultural movements, inspiring change and preserving history throughout through creative expression."
The council also approved the reappointment of Robert Burdick to the Planning Board, with a term to expire Feb. 1, 2030, and accepted Barbara Murray to the Tree Commission, for a term to expire Jan. 1, 2028.
There was initially some uncertainty as Councilor Peter Breen noted one recommendation required approval and the other was for information only. Sapienza said the council was treating the appointments as usual. 
"I think probably what Councilor Breen is clarifying is the last meeting, the mayor did say that she would not be the asking our approval for appointments that we don't need to approve," said Councilor Keith Bona.
Councilor Lisa Blackmer asked that the appointments now be differentiated on the agenda to avoid confusion. 
For future reference, here are the committees, boards and commissions and how they are appointed. 
Mayor & City Council: Youth Commission, Historical Commission, Human Services Commission, Commission on Disabilities, Public Arts Commission, Board of License Commissioners, Board of Health, Mobile Home Park Rent Control Board, Board of Registrars, Mass MoCA Commission, Hoosac Water Quality District Board of Commissioners.
Mayor only: Airport Commission, Board of Library Trustees, Board of Assessors, Board of Appeals, Cemetery Board of Trustees, Conservation Commission, Fair Housing Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Board, Tree Commission, Windsor Lake Recreation Commission
Shared appointments: Traffic Commission (mayor & one by council president), Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Commission (mayor & one by council president), Redevelopment Authority (mayor & one by governor), North Adams Contributory Retirement Board (two by mayor & others elected by contributors).

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Retiring Superintendent Named to North Adams' Women's Hall of Fame

By Tammy Daniels iBerkshires Staff
 NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Superintendent Barbara Malkas last week was inducted into the Women's History Hall of Fame in North Adams. 
The honor was established several years ago by Mayor Jennifer A. Macksey to recognize women who have played important roles in the city's history. 
At the end of last week's School Committee meeting, Macksey asked if anyone knew who Julia Dewey was. 
"No? She was the first female superintendent that served from 1893 to 1895 and another fun fact, did you know that Dr. Barbara Malkas is the second female superintendent serving from 2016 to now," the mayor said.
Malkas, who is retiring at the end of the school year, "is a true testament of a community leader for her stewardship and volunteer work within the city and beyond," said Macksey.
She listed the awards the superintendent has been presented, including the Against the Tide Award from the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, of which Malkas is president, Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents' 2019 President's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education, the Unsung Heroine Award during COVID-19, Commonwealth Superintendent of the Year in 2024, and the Zonta Club of Berkshire County award for building a better work for women and girls.
"Dr. Malkas, you've been a mentor, a trusted colleague and a friend to many of us over the years," said the mayor. "I see it most fitting as you prepare for your retirement to honor you for your unwavering commitment to education, to our students in this great city of North Adams. ... 
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