Central Berkshire Habitat Offers Free Tax Assistance

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity (CBHFH) is once again offering free income tax preparation services for households earning $67,000 or less, as well as for individuals with disabilities and elderly residents, through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

The program, staffed by IRS-certified volunteers, has been a longstanding resource in Berkshire County. According to CBHFH CEO Carolyn Valli, more than 85 percent of clients return annually for assistance, with the program expanding to serve new clients in South County last year.

Tax assistance will be available at multiple locations. Habitat's Pittsfield office at 314 Columbus Avenue will offer services Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Friday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to noon, and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. South County residents can access assistance at the Mason Library in Great Barrington, where VITA services will be available Tuesday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., starting February 4. Additionally, tax prep will be offered by appointment at MCLA.

Lynne Newton, CBHFH Community Navigator and VITA coordinator, emphasized the program's readiness to assist clients, including offering multilingual support for French and Spanish speakers. “Tax time can be stressful, and having documents and instructions in your native language can help ease that anxiety,” she said.

Residents can make appointments by calling 413-442-3184 or visiting www.berkshirehabitat.org/VITA.

If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

DCF Clears Two Pittsfield High Administrators

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass.—The Department of Children and Families has reportedly cleared two Pittsfield High School administrators of misconduct: Dean of Students Molly West and Vice Principal Alison Shepard.

On Friday, School Committee Chair William Cameron confirmed that DCF’s 51A investigation of allegations of abuse or neglect made against PHS Dean of Students Molly West was unsupported.

"(Superintendent Joseph Curtis) told me yesterday that his office has received formal notice from DCF that the agency's investigation of those allegations has been completed, and that the allegations were found to be unsupported," Cameron wrote VIA email.

Earlier in the week, he announced that the first part of a committee-initiated investigation led by Mary-Lou Rup, a retired Superior Court judge, was completed and West, one of the school’s two deans, was cleared by Rup.  

iBerkshires inquired about the DCF investigation running parallel.  On Thursday, Cameron said the district has reason to believe that DCF's investigation has cleared West, but he did not have written confirmation of that assertion.

"I have been told by [interim Deputy Superintendent Matt] Bishop, who is the Pittsfield Public Schools' contact with DCF in these matters, that the agency's investigation of Ms. West was returned with a determination that the allegations made against her were unsupported," he wrote.

"I have not seen formal confirmation of this from DCF. Apparently, its report to Dr. Bishop was provided through a conversation."

The Berkshire Eagle Wednesday night reported that DCF has determined that allegations of misconduct against PHS Vice Principal Alison Shepard were unsupported.  The Eagle also reported that DCF cleared Berkshire Family YMCA staff member Taverick "Tank" Roberson in January and he returned from administrative leave.

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