Superior Court Briefs: Motor Vehicle Homicide, Armed Robbery, Assault

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Driver in 2023 Fatal Crash Guilty of Vehicular Homicide
Gilberto Franciapena, 31, pleaded guilty on Dec. 12 to negligent motor vehicle homicide in a fatal incident in 2023.
The defendant was sentenced to two years' probation, a loss of license for 15 years, and 100 hours of community service. The commonwealth requested a two-year suspended sentence and loss of license for 15 years.
Franciapena was eastbound on the Massachusetts Turnpike at about 8 a.m. on April 20, 2023, when the red 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe he was driving flipped at about the 1.8-mile marker in West Stockbridge. 
There were five occupants in the vehicle. Four of the occupants, including Franciapena, were transported to Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield. They were treated and released. The fifth individual, Marco Tulio Rivera Claros, 38, was pronounced dead at the scene. 
The men were reportedly traveling from New York State on their way to a drywall job in Becket and would have gotten off on the next exit. Police say Franciapena was not impaired at the time of the collision. He was initially cited for motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation, crossing marked lanes and negligent operation of a motor vehicle.
Assistant District Attorney Johnathen Moffat represented the commonwealth with support from Joseph Yorlano, chief of the Motor Vehicle Homicide Unit.
North Adams Man Sentenced in Cumberland Farms Robbery
Joshua E. Piantoni, 42, was sentenced to seven years in state prison by Judge John Agostini for the armed robbery last year of the Cumberland Farms in Williamstown.
The Whittlesey Avenue pleaded guilty on Nov. 20 to five charges including armed robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon.
Piantoni drove a four-wheeler up to the convenience store on Main Street on the morning of Sept. 27, 2023, pointed a gun at the clerk and demanded money. The clerk handed him $259 and Piantoni fled on his four-wheeler toward his home in North Adams. 
Officers intercepted him when he was crossing Ashton Avenue and recovered the stolen money and a BB gun from his person.
Piantoni was charged with armed robbery, assault with a dangerous weapon, operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license, an unregistered motor vehicle, and operating a recreational vehicle on a public way.
He was sentenced to four to seven years on the armed robbery and four to five on the dangerous weapon, to be served concurrently in state prison, and 10 days in the House of Correction on the suspended license, also concurrent. 
Assistant District Attorney Rachael Eramo represented the commonwealth with support from Assistant District Attorney Amy Winston.
Pittsfield Man Gets Four Years on Multiple Charges
Tyrone Jones, 38, of Maplewood Ave, was sentenced on Dec. 11 to up to four years in state prison on charges ranging from larceny to assault to animal abuse.
He pleaded guilty on Dec. 10 to five charges related to an incident last year. He was found not guilty by a jury on a sixth charge of trafficking cocaine
Jones became violent on Oct. 14, 2023, in a residence he shared with the victim in the case. He assaulted the victim, kicked a dog belonging to the victim, and destroyed the inside of the house. After the assault and destruction of property, he stole the victim's car.
He was sentenced to 18 months to four years in state prison on the charges of assault, assualt on a household member, animal cruelty, vandalism and larceny of a motor vehicle and six months in the House of Correction on a charge of larceny under $1,200, all to be served concurrently.
Assistant District Attorney Amy Winston represented the commonwealth.

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Additional Stearns Staffers on Leave Amid 'De-escalation' Allegations

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass.— Additional Stearns Elementary School staff members have been placed on leave amid allegations of using a bathroom to "de-escalate" students.

On Monday, Principal Sara Luciani notified the school community "as our investigation continues and new information has been obtained, additional paraprofessionals assigned to Room 1 have been placed on administrative leave, effective Friday, March 7, 2025."

The Department of Children and Families and Pittsfield Public Schools are investigating, and the district is reviewing its protocols for de-escalation strategies.

Last week, Superintendent Joseph Curtis reported that on Feb. 26, Luciani received an allegation that Room 7 and Room 1 staff members were using a classroom bathroom in Room 7 as a place for students to de-escalate.

"Principal Luciani investigated immediately and then informed district administrators of this allegation," Curtis wrote.

"Based on the information provided to the district administration, a 51a report was filed immediately with the Department of Children and Families (DCF); the staff members allegedly involved in this practice to correct student behavior were placed on administrative leave on Friday, February 28, 2025."

At the time, the district had no information indicating that staff rooms other than Rooms 1 and 7 were involved in this practice. 

Luciani said on Monday that a full and accurate account of the events has not yet been determined because the investigations are ongoing.

"We take these allegations with the utmost seriousness and are committed to ensuring a thorough, transparent, and fair investigation," she wrote.

She reported that the administration will be conducting a staff meeting that day to provide a "thorough review" of district protocols regarding de-escalation strategies.

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