Adams Theater Kicks off Annual Fund with Two Piano Journey Concert

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ADAMS, Mass—Two Piano Journey is returning to the Adams Theater in October for a benefit concert at 4:30 PM on Saturday, Oct. 12, to kick off the Adams Theater's 2025 Annual Fund. 

Mother-and-son duo Chris Kuo and Michelle Kuo have raised more than $3 million for charities and nonprofits since they started performing together as Two Piano Journey. Michelle is a piano prodigy and teacher who gave annual concerts at Carnegie Hall for 20+ years while raising her kids. Chris spent hours practicing while running trading desks at investment banks (where he met Theater Founder Yina Moore) to help his mother reach her dream of touring the world.

"We're thrilled with the turnout and support we've seen this season," said Yina Moore. "I'm moved by how many new people have come through our doors for comedy, residency work, our collaborations with local organizations like Images Cinema, and more. Our Annual Fund helps keep all that going so the Adams Theater can be a landmark on Park Street for years to come."

Back in November 2022, Two Piano Journey's concert was the first public performance in the Adams' work-in-progress theater space. Not only did the concert help raise over $80,000 for the Adams Theater among the local communities, it also motivated us to imagine and create our first season in 2023. 

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The 2024 season included 23 weekends and 53 days of programming from May-October, including 12 film screenings, 10 concerts, 6 theater productions/readings, 4 comedies, 3 residencies, 2 dance presentations, 2 variety shows, and 5 community partnership events. This year, with help from patrons, fundraising, and grants, the theater created a vibrant scene on Park Street, provided paid positions to 7 local part-time staff, and welcomed over 3,000 patrons for shows and events.

"I am so very proud of and thankful for the amazing financial supporters who helped us to raise nearly $55,000 for Season 2024," Board Member and Fundraising Chair David Bissaillon said. "Based on the quality of the work that Yina and the crew are providing, and the response of the public in general, we are excited to double our goal in 2025 to raise $100,000."    

Membership and Season Passes

Adams Theater members get half-priced tickets to all shows from May to October, and season pass holders get complimentary tickets for themselves, plus half-price tickets for friends. 

New this year, the theater is offering a Youth Membership option. For $50, those under 18 can get free admission to all shows from May to October, and can bring a friend to one show for free Learn more about season passes here.

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Solar Carports Approved for Greylock Glen Outdoor Center

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
ADAMS, Mass. — The Greylock Glen Outdoor Center will be getting its power from solar carports in the parking lot.
The Selectmen last month approved the design and siting of the 148-kilowatt solar array.
"We're attempting to do this without any investment essentially from the town, that is the goal of this," said Town Administrator Jay Green. "We're looking for an organization that can front the capital cost to install the solar."
Solar had always been part of the conversation around the outdoor center but as a separate construction from the building itself. It has included a cost benefit analysis to determine if solar was worth investing in. 
The town paid for an impact study of $11,100 by National Grid, required before the utility would give interconnection approval. The request for proposals was issued by PowerOptions of Boston, former state entity turned private not-for-profit that procures energy services nonprofit organizations and governmental entities.
"The [town] is a PowerOptions member and so ultimately, can choose to move forward under the provisions of the letter of intent and per the agreement between PowerOptions and Solect Energy as the winner of the solar RFP put out by PowerOptions a couple of years ago," Andreas Schmid of Solect Energy, in a presentation to the board on Sept. 18.  
"In terms of the panel capacity, things are a little flexible, so we could add a few more panels or take a few more panels out, as long as that AC system size."
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