Letter: North Adams Students and Teachers Deserve Our Support

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To the Editor:

The start of the school year is full of excitement and anticipation for both students and teachers. North Adams is no exception. The recent tours of the Brayton and Greylock elementary schools brought home the culture that teachers create to bring out the best in their students.

Signs were posted everywhere to reinforce the qualities and culture needed to make students successful. At the same time, one cannot ignore the physical plant that creates an uphill climb for students and teachers to realize their aspirations even when they bring their best game to the table. The recent concerns about mold at Brayton School serve to reinforce these challenges.

We must face the fact that the $45 million for the extensive renovations required to transform Brayton into a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment are, as Mayor Macksey stated, beyond the means of the city, which would be required to bear the entirety of this financial burden. The bottom line is that we cannot afford to make Brayton the school that our children can thrive in. The citizens of North Adams have a better option. With a contribution of $45.6 million from the state and an average $270 per year temporary increase in local taxes we can provide our students and teachers with an environment in which they can learn, grow, and become all that we might wish for them.

I urge every voter in North Adams to come to the polls on Oct. 8 and vote for the bond issue to construct and furnish a new Greylock Elementary School.

Virginia Riehl
North Adams, Mass.




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Letter: Greylock School Project Worthy of Support

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Although I no longer reside in North Adams, after moving to eastern Massachusetts a few years ago to be closer to family, my roots in North Adams run deep. As a native of North Adams, a Drury High School graduate, a 16-year member of the North Adams School Committee, and a father of children who greatly benefited from their education in North Adams schools, I will always care about the future of North Adams and its children.

I have long been an advocate for a K-8 grade school configuration. However, the current infrastructure of North Adams schools cannot support this approach. You would need significant investment in a much larger facility, at a substantially higher cost to taxpayers, and without the backing of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). The proposed new configuration — a preK-2 school at Greylock, a Grades 3-6 school at Colgrove Park, and a Grades 7-12 high school at Drury — is the right fit for North Adams.

I am disappointed that renovating Brayton Elementary School is not a viable option to building a new school. But without MSBA support, North Adams taxpayers would have a much larger cost to absorb to bring Brayton up to 21st-century standards.

MSBA financial support is crucial for North Adams. Most communities cannot renovate to 21st century standards or build a new school without their help. Achieving MSBA's endorsement requires several years of rigorous evaluation and approval processes. If the project is rejected at any stage, it moves to the back of the line, forcing the community to wait many more years, if ever, to reach the point where North Adams currently stands.

The average cost to North Adams households for building a new Greylock school would be $270 per year. It’s an investment worthy of your support.

John Hockridge
Stoughton, Mass.





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