Clarksburg World War II Casualty Returns Home for Burial

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Marine Pvt. Erwin King
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — Marine Pvt. First Class Erwin S. King returns home on Friday, more than eight decades after he marched to war.
King, who grew up on West Road, was killed in action during the Battle of Guadalcanal in World War II. He remains had been buried temporarily with nine of his comrades on the island. There were several unsuccessful attempt to recover the bodies and it was not until 2018 that King's gravesite was uncovered. 
His family was notified in May that his remains had finally been identified.
The 18-year-old had enlisted only six weeks after Pearl Harbor and never returned home. On Friday, his body will be escorted by veterans organizations and police from Bradley International Airport in Connecticut to Clarksburg Town Hall, where a wreath-laying will be observed at approximately 3 p.m. 
The procession will then proceed to Flynn & Dagnoli Funeral Home on West Main Street, passing Veterans Memorial Park at Center and Eagle Street. Those wishing to pay respects should be there between 3 and 3:15 p.m. 
The wake will be held at Flynn & Dagnoli's West Chapels on Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. 
King will be buried next to his parents, Erwin C. and Emelia LaFountain King, in Southview Cemetery on Tuesday, 82 years to the day he was killed.
A group including King's family members will be at the airport when he arrives from Hawai'i around 1 p.m. The wake on Monday will be open to the public and a funeral service will be held Tuesday beginning at 11 a.m. at the funeral home.  
A graveside service will include full military honors beginning at noon at the cemetery. 
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Retired Clarksburg Police Chief Reflects on Career

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — Michael Williams signed off shift for the final time on Friday after nearly 40 years as a police officer in Clarksburg. 
He retired 100 years after the Police Department was established with the appointment of Police Chief George Warren Hall of Briggsville, a former constable and a selectmen. 
Williams joined the force on a "fluke" as a part-time officer in 1985 and became chief in 2003. Like in many small towns, public employees tend to wear many hats and take on outside tasks and the chief gradually took on other duties ranging from emergency management director to backup town treasurer.
During his tenure, he saw the police offices in lower level of Town Hall remodeled to provide safer and more efficient use for officers and the public, the police garage redone and new cruisers put on the road. Williams has also seen changes in policing from mainly catching speeders when he first signed on to issues with domestic abuse and drug use. 
The police force itself had dwindled down from six to eight officers and a sergeant to the chief and one part-time officer. With Williams' departure on Friday, the Clarksburg Police Department ceased to exist for the first time in decades. 
The Select Board last week voted to suspend operations and rely on the State Police for coverage, but have already asked if Williams could continue in some a part-time capacity. 
His last official act as chief was escorting the remains of a World War II casualty missing for 82 years. 
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