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Marlene Champagne, Lisa Donovan and Tanya Cravish have established Berkshire Livery. They want to provide reliable transportation service while also considering the needs of their customers.

Berkshire Livery Offering Personalized Transportation

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
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WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Berkshire Livery is seeking to fill in the area's transportation gap and to meet the needs of its patrons with kindness and compassion.
The livery service, which provides transportation by appointment across Berkshire County and beyond, is owned by Marlene Champagne and operated by managers Lisa Donovan and Tanya Cravish.
Donovan and Cravish have been in the transportation industry for several years and, while working for other companies, have noticed and heard from their customers that there are many gaps in reliable, compassionate, and accessible transportation services in the region. 
"One of the biggest complaints is that people aren't personable in the industry. So, there's a lot of need for senior transportation, as well as other organizations in the area that are supporting women and children and trying to get them help to get to their needs, essentially," Donovan said. 
"We are partnering and wanting to partner with people, entities that help other people. One of our goals is to provide community support that goes beyond just being a livery company, a transportation company. These are people with feelings and needs, and if we can help them become successful in whatever they're trying to do and meeting their goals, that's our goal."
The business aims to meet these unmet needs through expansion, personalized customer service, and community partnerships. 
They have several ideas about how it can eventually expand into every form of transportation, including school, medical, and tourism services.
"We are still looking for employees. Our business is also limitless, as we have been discussing a lot of future plans right now," Donovan said. 
The trio said they prioritize compassion in its services, which is lacking in the transportation industry, particularly taxi and livery services.
"Over the years, so many businesses have just lost compassion for their customers and their clients, and it's just an awful thing to see when people are paying for a service they deserve to be treated with respect and have a good experience from that. We definitely try to go above and beyond," Cravish said. 
It was frustrating seeing all these unmet needs and not being in a position where they could make the judgement to help, because they did not own the company, Cravish and Donovan said. 
They said Champagne has been their "saving grace" by giving them the opportunity to help others through Berkshire Livery. 
"I trust them. They've done the amazing work so, I just leave it up to them. They're teaching me about this business," Champagne said. 
After selling her trash company, Champagne started looking for a new investment opportunity and decided to purchase Berkshire Livery after seeing the passion and vision Donovan and Cravish have. 
"I really wanted somebody who was committed. The two of them, they both have their own different niches that they do, and they work together, and it's coming along great," she said.
Unlike taxi companies, livery services offer rides by appointment only.
"People who don't own vehicles, they still have places they need to get and over the years, in other companies that I've done this in, I've noticed it's not top priority sometimes for time calls and recognizing that individuals are people and should be treated with respect," Cravish said. 
Calling a taxi might mean it arrives 15 to 20 minutes late; with livery services, ride times are scheduled.
Although Berkshire Livery's service is by appointment, it can accommodate on-demand requests if there is availability. 
The managers say Berkshire Livery's pricing is generally competitive with other local transportation companies in the area.
Customers can be provided a price quote, specific to the pickup and drop-off location, by calling 413-672-2545.
One concern that they have heard from customers is that the pricing for South County is too steep, Donovan said. 
"We are asking for patience with South County residents. We hear you. We appreciate you. We are coming," Donovan said.
The service is based in North County but is working to establish additional locations in Central and South County, which is projected to happen in the "very near future." 
"We would have actual vehicles stationed out there, so the prices would be significantly lower for those customers," Cravish said. 

Tags: livery,   transportation,   

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Williamstown Select Board OKs Cannabis, Cable Deals

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Select Board on Monday voted to update its host community agreement with the one cannabis dealer in town and signed on to a new 10-year agreement with Spectrum to provide cable television service to residents.
The three-year HCA with Silver Therapeutics, which opened its doors in the Williamstown Shopping Plaza in 2019, lapsed some time ago, Town Manager Robert Menicocci told the board, but the town and the retailer were waiting for new guidance from the state's Cannabis Control Commission.
"We were a little concerned with putting together host agreements kind of mid-air while [the CCC was] telegraphing changes they were going to make in terms of impact fees and the nature of what our host agreement needs to be like," Menicocci said. "We have been waiting and waiting on them for some time to draft what was promised to us of a model host agreement.
"And we wanted to give ourselves a little more time to digest that model host agreement, because there were some concerns municipalities had raised in general around what the commission had put forward."
Menicocci said that when early adopters, like Williamstown, formed the first HCAs in the wake of 2016's state referendum decriminalizing pot, there was more autonomy for municipalities. Now the CCC is attempting to create a structured regulatory environment similar to that in place for alcohol licenses.
Silver Therapeutics needs to renew its state license in December, prompting the town to renew the local agreement that retailers need to have in place, Menicocci said.
"We feel it's reasonable to move ahead with the host agreement at this point — continue to work with [Josh Silver], continue to work with our Legislature around the refinements that will come out of the control commission," Menicocci said.
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