Pittsfield Street Improvement Project: April 15-19

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Starting on Monday, April 15, street improvements continue.
Work for the week of April 15 consists of:
  • April 15: Paving the first course on South Onota Street & South John Street
  • April 16: Paving the first course on West Union Street, Acorn Street & Mohegan Street
  • April 17: Finishing first course on Mohegan Street & pave first course on Sherrill Avenue
  • April 18: Paving the first course on Montgomery Avenue Extension
In addition, raising structures on South Onota Street, South John Street, West Union Street and Acorn Street will occur April 16 to April 19.
On-street parking is prohibited during this work between the hours of 6 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Please use caution when traveling on these roads. This schedule is subject to change based upon weather conditions.

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Protecting Your Assets: How FDIC and DIF Protect Your Deposits

Submitted by Dana Robb
In this time of economic uncertainty, keeping your money secure should be a top priority. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF) play crucial roles in safeguarding your deposits.
FDIC Insurance: Your First Line of Defense
More than just a sticker on the door at your bank, the FDIC, an independent government agency, provides insurance coverage for deposits at member banks. As of 2025, the FDIC insures up to $250,000 per depositor, per institution, and ownership category. This means if you have two different types of accounts (e.g. savings and a CD) at the same bank, you only receive $250,000 of insurance for these accounts even if you have more than this amount deposited. 
FDIC insurance is automatic for covered accounts at member banks for individual and business customers, meaning there's no cost to you for the protection. Covered accounts include:
  • Checking accounts
  • Savings accounts
  • Money market deposit accounts (MMDAs)
  • Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  • Certain retirement accounts, such as IRAs invested in CDs
In instances where an account has more than one owner, the $250,000 coverage per ownership still applies.
For example, a joint account with two owners could be insured up to $500,000 ($250,000 per owner). Similarly, a trust account with three beneficiaries could be insured up to $750,000. The only limitation is that the maximum insurance coverage for a trust owner with five or more beneficiaries is $1,250,000 per owner for all trust accounts held at the same bank. You can add more than five beneficiaries, but the coverage will not exceed $1,250,000.
Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF): Extra Protection for Massachusetts residents
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