Pittsfield Street Improvement Project: April 15-19

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Starting on Monday, April 15, street improvements continue.
Work for the week of April 15 consists of:
  • April 15: Paving the first course on South Onota Street & South John Street
  • April 16: Paving the first course on West Union Street, Acorn Street & Mohegan Street
  • April 17: Finishing first course on Mohegan Street & pave first course on Sherrill Avenue
  • April 18: Paving the first course on Montgomery Avenue Extension
In addition, raising structures on South Onota Street, South John Street, West Union Street and Acorn Street will occur April 16 to April 19.
On-street parking is prohibited during this work between the hours of 6 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Please use caution when traveling on these roads. This schedule is subject to change based upon weather conditions.

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Dalton Select Board Approves Research into EV Charging Stations

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Select Board expressed its support in continuing to research the prospect of installing level three electric vehicle fast charging stations in town. 
During its meeting earlier this month, Green Committee member Tony Pagliarulo gave a presentation by Connecticut solar energy company Earthlight Technologies. 
"We have no fast chargers in Berkshire County other than the Tesla banks down in South County. So fast chargers are really the future. I mean, you're going to charge up in 30 to 40 minutes, and then you're on your way," Pagliarulo said. 
Due to the number of tax credits and incentives available for the town the insulation of these stations would make the town money, he said. 
The total cost of installing the charging stations at Pinegrove would be about $167,000, but the town would receive a $145,000 utility incentive, so it would only have to pay $22,044.08. 
This amount would be split into two payments of about $11,000, to be paid in the middle and the conclusion of the project. 
However, at the end of the tax year, following the completion of the project, the town will be credited $50,188.89 because it is entitled to 30 percent of the total cost under the Inflation Reduction Act. 
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