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Michael Wynn starts next week as the executive director of the Greylock Glen Outdoor Center, a new position created this year as the first element of the Greylock Glen development nears its opening.

Adams Hires Former Pittsfield Chief as Director of Greylock Glen Outdoor Center

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — The town has hired Pittsfield's former police chief as executive director of the Greylock Glen Outdoor Center.
Michael Wynn will begin his new role on Monday, Jan. 22.
The Board of Selectmen ratified his appointment on Wednesday night with Chair Christine Hoyt calling it "an exciting moment" in the long awaited development of the glen. 
Wynn thanked the board for the opportunity. 
"I'd also like to say that I'm really looking forward to this," he said. "I understand the significance of this project to the town of Adams and to the greater region, both economically and culturally."
Town Administrator Jay Green said the posting — the first position created for the glen — attracted a dozen applicants of whom six were interviewed. Wynn was selected from the final four. 
"The success of this project not only in Adams but also the region was choosing the person to take on these critical duties," he read from his letter of recommendation. "Our focus was on demonstrating the ability to execute tasks work collaboratively as a member of a team to achieve mission success, and the ability to adapt to the circumstances."
Wynn seemed the best prepared to take in the task, Green continued, noting his management of the 120-person police department and its $12 million budget and his understanding "the role government has in fostering a vibrant and attractive community."
The Williams College graduate has also served on a wide range of boards including for the Berkshire Community College Foundation, Norman Rockwell Museum, Boys and Girls Club, Berkshire United Way, among others
Wynn retired from the Pittsfield Police Department last summer after nearly 30 years with the city, including more than a dozen as chief. 
He said later he'd been doing some consulting over the past months and had been searching for a more permanent position. 
"This one came across my computer and I looked at it and it was kind of intriguing," he said. "I've got good memories of the glen from when I was a Boy Scout. ...
"It's touch points with things that I'm passionate about. It's community service, education and training. But also it gets me a chance to return to some stuff that I've had to ignore for the last 30 years."
That would be spending time in the outdoors hiking and backpacking and snow shoeing. 
His wife thought it an amazing opportunity he said, and it will allow him to introduce his two young sons to the types of Audubon experiences he had as a child. (Mass Audubon is in charge of programming at the glen.)
Wynn said he was ready to get away from policing and that the latter years of career have been more about management and grants — more in line with what he'll be doing at the outdoor center than law enforcement. 
"We're fortunate to have you and your experience especially with leadership," said Selectman John Duval. "This is a very important project to us. You already know that."
Wynn's salary is $88,577 and he will report directly to the town administrator. The funding for the position was included in the fiscal 2024 budget. A superintendent of buildings and grounds is also being hired. 
The outdoor center is expected to open later this year and the camping facility within the next couple of years. The town is developing about 50 acres of the 1,000-acre glen as a recreational and educational hub. 
"Mike is uniquely equipped with the skills, experience and enthusiasm to be part of our team that is dedicated to achieving the vision for the Greylock Glen that our community has long awaited," said Green. 
In other business, Town Clerk Haley Meczywor reminded residents to complete and return their town census. It can be mailed back to the clerk's office or dropped at the office or in the dropbox outside Town Hall. The office will also take the information over phone. 
She also noted that the presidential primaries will be held on March 5 and that citizens should check their registration and can vote by mail, early in the office by Saturday, Feb. 24, and during the election. These same options will be available for the annual town election.
"You'll be seeing me talk a lot about elections this year," Meczywor said.
The board held a public hearing on a nuisance dog named Sully. 
His owners had been advised back in the fall to take a number of actions including training, installing a kennel, obtaining insurance and neutering the animal. These had not been completed by the board's last meeting. 
Police Chief K. Scott Kelley said had forwarded documents showing that the owners were making attempts to comply with all the orders, with the last being a date for neutering on Feb. 23 at Berkshire Veterinary Hospital. He believed the couple were making a good faith effort and had no issues with them keeping the dog. 
This incident had been a learning curve for everyone, the chief said, adding that there would be a certified police officer assigned with the animal control officer in the future for such situations to ensure things go smoothly. 
Board members asked what would be the end step in the process. Green said if the board isn't happy with compliance it becomes a criminal complaint. 
The board voted a motion by Selectman Richard Blanchard to send a letter to the owners of the dog requesting proof after the dog had been neutered. 
New Veterans Agent Mitchell Keil introduced himself to the board. Keil was hired in North Adams in December and acts has the veterans agent in a shared service agreement with a number of other towns including Adams. His hours will be from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays in Adams for now but is available by appointment. He is currently obtaining his state and federal accreditation. Green said the veterans office will move to the Council on Aging later this month or early in February. 

Tags: Greylock Glen,   outdoor recreation,   

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Adams Taxpayers Will See Rates Drop, Bills Increase

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
ADAMS, Mass. — The tax bill for an average single-family home is expected to increase by $242 for fiscal 2025. 
The Board of Selectmen voted 3-1 Wednesday for split tax classification with a shift of 30 percent shift to the commercial side. Selectman Joseph Nowak voted against the split rate and Richard Blanchard was absent. 
This sets the residential tax rate for the coming year to $17.01 per $1,000 valuation, a 53 cent decrease. The debt for the Hoosac Valley High School is $1.02 of the rate.
The average single-family home is valued at $239,000, up $21,000 from last year. This would make the average bill $4,065.39.
The commercial, industrial and personal property rate will be $23.41 per $1,000 valuation, down from $24.23.
There is no "average" commercial business, but Assessor Paula Grover said she uses singular enterprise to demonstrate the figures. 
This business has gained $50,000 in value over last year, meaning a $508 increase on its tax bill. 
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