Berkshire County Historical Explores History of Broadhall
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — On November 2, Berkshire County Historical Society Executive Director Lesley Herzberg and Board President Cynthia Farr Brown will discuss the history of Broadhall, the home of Sarah Morewood, currently known as the Country Club of Pittsfield.
The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at the Country Club of Pittsfield.
The talk will include a tour of the building followed by refreshments and drinks. Use the BOOK NOW button at to purchase tickets; $30 BCHS and Country Club of Pittsfield members, $35 non-members. This event is sponsored by Greylock Federal Credit Union and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
"The Country Club of Pittsfield's club house has a rich history," said Lesley Herzberg. "This lecture will explore that history looking at what is fact and what is local lore. Famous residents and visitors to the house include Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Tyler, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Elkanah Watson, General Benjamin Lincoln, and more."
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