Hancock Man Pleads Guilty of Possession of Child Pornography

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — On Monday, March 27 Dale Wilson, of Hancock, pleaded guilty in Superior Court to two counts of Possession of Child Pornography and one count of Dissemination of Child Pornography.
The charges stem from an investigation by the Berkshire County State Police Detective Unit based on a CyberTip.  The location of the offense was at the defendant's residence. At the time of the offense, he was 21.
According to state sentencing guidelines Possession (272, 29C) is a level 3 offense carrying a maximum of 2.5 in the House of Corrections or 5 years in state prison. Dissemination (272, 29B) is a level 6 offense carrying a minimum of 10 years in state prison and a maximum of 20.
The Commonwealth's recommendation was 2.5 in the House of Corrections with a following 5 years' probation post-incarceration. 
District Attorney Shugrue identified the probation conditions below:
  • No access to internet or social media
  • No social media accounts
  • Possess no smart phone and/or other internet-enabled devices
  • Sex offender treatment/counseling
  • Any other conditions as the court sees fit.  
The defendant asked for straight probation (house arrest) with conditions.
On March 27, 2023, Judge Agostini gave Wilson 10 years of probation with a suspended sentence if Wilson were to re-offend in the next 10 years. (Dissemination of Child Pornography– 5 years probation: Possession of Child Pornography-1 year suspended sentence with 5-year probation).
Dale Wilson's probation conditions include:
  • Continue sex offender treatment
  • Continue mental health treatment and sign releases for probation
  • Engage with community support services and follow recommendations
  • Continue to reside with his mom unless a change of residence is approved
Assistant District Attorney Melissa Brooks represented the Commonwealth.

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New York Man Found Guilty in Pittsfield Murder

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — On Thursday, March 13, in Berkshire Superior Court, Lance Burke was found guilty by a jury of his peers for the 2018 murder of David Green Jr. 
Burke, 46 of New York, was found guilty on three charges related to the crime, murder in the first degree (Murder), illegal possession of a firearm, and illegal possession of a loaded firearm.  
Green was murdered in 2018 while sitting in his vehicle on Willow Street. Burke was identified as the suspect based on witness testimony, cross-state investigations, and video and mobile phone tracking surveillance. 
District Attorney Shugrue stated while he is satisfied that justice was served on behalf of David Green Jr., the verdict does not lessen the tragedy of his death. 
"Mr. Green's family has been waiting a longtime for this day. While we are pleased with the conclusion the jury reached, nothing will ever heal the wounds of losing a loved one in such a violent way," he said. "I send my deepest condolences to Mr. Green's family, friends, and community as they continue to work through this senseless murder. I hope today brings them some sense of peace. A theme of my tenure continues to be accountability for those who bring violence into our community. This death of Mr. Green was brought about by a Defendant who drove into Pittsfield and committed murder. Those who bring illegal firearms, attempt to establish drug trafficking networks, and bring violence to our neighborhoods will be held accountable to the greatest extent of the law."
"Trying this case was extremely difficult. The Pittsfield Police Department worked diligently and with great precession to use all the technology available to them to connect Lance Burke to the crime. It is because of their dedicated work, and the team of prosecutors and advocates on this case, that the jury was able to reach this verdict. Our Office never shies away from difficult prosecutions, and I am extremely fortunate to work with law enforcement that has the same determination to see that justice served." 
Witness testimony was given during the trial. District Attorney Shugrue commended the witnesses for their actions and commented on concerning behavior that occurred during the trial.
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