Dalton Finance Committee Approves Reserve Fund Transfer and Budget Items

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
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DALTON, Mass. — The Finance Committee approved a reserve fund transfer of $5,000 to the Town Hall Contingency Salary during its meeting on Tuesday night.
The additional funding will cover unforeseen workload increases for a couple of departments. 
The town originally appropriated $7,500 and only has $327.56 left in the fund. 
The Committee also plans to add more money to next year's budget as well. 
The following budgets were also approved during the meeting.
The Council on Aging budget is projected to increase by 5.90 percent bringing the total budget to $174,257. 
The Salaries line item is expected to increase by $8,528 bringing the line to $113,207. Expenses are expected to increase by $1,180 totaling $41,050.
The Library budget is projected to increase by 2.83 percent from last fiscal year bringing its total to $222,532.
The increase would increase the Library Page's pay up to minimum wage.
The Public Health Nurse budget was approved in the amount of $6,722 which is level funded from last fiscal year. 
The town engineering budget is also level-funded at $30,000. 
The Historical Commission budget will remain at $4,500, level funded from the previous fiscal year. 
The Memorial Day Committee budget was approved in the amount of $2,250, which is level funded from the previous year. 
The Committee also approved the Cultural Activities budget of $2,500 which is also level funded.

Tags: budget,   Finance Committee,   

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Dalton Green Committee Navigates Adding Fire District to Green Communities Division

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Green Committee considering including the Fire District under the town’s Green Communities Division. 
During the Green Committee's last week, member Thomas Irwin broached the subject with his fellow members. 
The town is part of the state Green Communities Division, which aids local municipalities in lowering lower energy use, through clean energy projects in buildings, facilities, and schools, by providing grants, technical assistance. 
Irwin and Committee Chair David Wasielewski will look into this information to determine if incorporating the district is possible. 
The Fire District and town are two separate governing bodies. The Fire and Water departments are the Fire District's responsibility. The Board of Water Commissioners and the Prudential Committee govern the district.
There are a number of steps that would have to be undertaken. One easy step is having the district approve a zero emission vehicle policy for the Fire Department, Irwin said. 
Irwin informed the committee that Fire Chief Christian Tobin said he sees no barriers in approving a policy and that they are in the process of getting a policy approved. 
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