South County Daytime and Overnight Guardrail and Bridge Repair

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LEE, Mass. — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) announced it will be conducting daytime and overnight hour guardrail and bridge repair operations on I-90 eastbound and westbound in Lee, West Stockbridge, Becket, Montgomery and Russell. 
The work will be conducted at different times and locations from 7:00 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 31, through 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4.  Lane closures will be in place during repair operations.
The schedule for the work and lane closures will be as follows:
Daytime work:
Lee/West Stockbridge
Bridge repair work will be conducted daily on I-90 eastbound and westbound from mile marker 0.5 to mile marker 10.0, from Monday, October 31, through Friday, Nov. 4, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Overnight work:
Guardrail repair work will be conducted on I-90 eastbound and westbound from mile marker 13.0 to mile marker 20.0 on Monday, Oct. 31, from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next morning. 
Guardrail repair work will be conducted nightly on I-90 westbound from mile marker 10.0 to mile marker 16.0 from Tuesday, November 1, through Friday, Nov. 4, from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next morning.  The overnight hour work is expected to conclude by 5:00 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 4.
Guardrail repair work will be conducted nightly on the I-90 westbound on-ramp at the exit 10 interchange from Monday, Oct. 31, through Friday, Nov. 4, from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following morning. The overnight hour work is expected to conclude by 5:00 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 4.
Bridge repair work will be conducted on I-90 eastbound and westbound at mile marker 36.0 on Thursday, Nov. 3, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  The work will require a 15-minute rolling roadblock in each direction at 9:00 p.m.
Travel will be allowed through the work zones.  The work will require temporary lane closures to allow crews to safely and efficiently conduct the guardrail and bridge repair operations.
Appropriate signage, law enforcement details, and messaging will be in place to guide drivers through the work area.
Drivers who are traveling through the affected areas should expect delays, reduce speed, and use caution. 
All scheduled work is weather dependent and subject to change without notice.

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Fairview Hospital Recognized as a Top 100 Critical Access Hospital

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) has announced that Fairview Hospital has been named among the 2025 Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, the 13th straight year Fairview has been so honored. 
Chartis' annual Top 100 award program honors outstanding performance among the nation's rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX.
"The South Berkshire community expects and relies on only the highest level of care from our caregivers and staff at Fairview Hospital," said Tony Scibelli, BHS Vice President and Fairview Chief Operating Officer. "This ongoing recognition epitomizes the commitment our staff makes each and every day for each and every patient who walks through Fairview's doors."
"The Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals award program elevates the very best performers and helps create a roadmap for those seeking to improve financial and operational performance while continuing to care for the communities they serve," said Michael Topchik, Executive Director, The Chartis Center for Rural Health. "This is our 15th year recognizing the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals and we're thrilled to be able to celebrate this milestone with this year's winners."
According to a press release, the INDEX is the industry's most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance. Leveraging publicly available data, the INDEX is utilized nationwide by rural hospitals, health systems with rural affiliates, hospital associations, and state offices of rural health to measure and monitor performance across a variety of areas impacting hospital operations and finance.
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